HeffeD said:
Littlebits said:
I can remember back when IObit violated Malwarebytes license and everyone slammed them real hard for it. But it's ok for Comodo to do the same to Process Hacker and Microsoft Sysinternals as IObit did to MBAM and get away with it?
CCE isn't using anyone else's code...
And how would you know that for sure, because Comodo said so and you believe them?
The developers at Microsoft Sysinternals and Process Hacker believe that they have taken their codes without permission even plan to take legal actions against Comodo.
I'm sure we won't here much about the legal battle unless it goes public which Comodo doesn't want.
This might explain why CCE isn't listed on major download sites or even their homepage for download.
If anyone is in doubt that Comodo violated these codes, download
Sysinternals Autoruns and
Process Hacker compare them for yourself.
If you are into programming you can drop the files into a code analyzer and compare the difference.
Let's say I was shocked that Comodo did this.
Nothing against you HeffeD, this is a Comodo issue they will have to resolve.
Good day.