sorry man but what test?

im kinda lost here as im working like crazy. barely have time to do house stuffs

but bring the request and ill do the testings this week (i have some videos to produce but i can gain time for cis testings too)
ps.: i posted in the forum you mentioned saying that crulsister is not being honest as she/he is trying to avoid the flaws showed on the videos. i said that if anyone want they could watch the videos on my channel but i didnt mentioned the channel link (to avoid spam and things like that) but sudenly i tried to enter the forum a few seconds ago and i just find out that im banned with the reason "youve being banned for spam". it seems people there wants to avoid at any cost anything bad related to cis... and cruelsister is kinda trying to make feel like the testings was not true or something... funny... i remember some years ago some users saying that she was in fact someone else (who works for comodo) and people even showed some kind of proves of it with prints and things like that. the topic and the posts where removed, everyone who was participating on this conversation got banned and the subject just fade away... dont know if its true or not (well, that really doesnt even matter) but its funny to see how they react to this kind of thing. if anyone knows some adm from that forum, if possible, please contact him and say that i didnt spam, i didnt even posted link to my channel. that was just to point the place to see the testings. anyway... its almost cristhmas
It would not matter if you were Tavis Ormandy. If you were, and you joined the Comodo forum to make reports, then you would be banned. There is an absolute certainty that is what would happen.
The first rule of testing Comodo is to never join the Comodo forum to report anything. You just post your test videos to a cloud hosting platform and let others find and provide the links to Comodo.
Comodo forum is run by Comodo diehards who are not Comodo staff. The moderators there are tyrants and they do not welcome anything other than what they find acceptable - which is as arbitrary as the wind.
@cruelsister does not work for Comodo. They are not a Comodo employee or contractor larping as a Comodo enthusiast.
I can see a gaggle of people on the Comodo forum communicating behind the scenes, conspiring together to "get rid of Vitao." Certainly this sort of behavior has been a thing on that forum for many years. If that did happen, and whom contributed to it or participated in it we will never know. All you can do is post your findings to the public.
This is why I don't bother with the Comodo product. Its forum has turned into a copy of the Webroot Community forum where any perceived dissent, FUD, or not drinking the Comodo Red KoolAid is met with the banhammer. Anyone trying to report issues to Comodo and doing the work that Comodo itself should be doing is treated like a pest or troll.
Really, it makes no sense that anyone in the user community tries to make it a better product by beta and pentesting it. The entire Comodo system has never been one where that is encouraged, and it has gotten much, much worse over the years. It is exactly because things never get fixed that so many people dropped using CIS and CFW. Very unfortunate but that is what you get from a software product with no revenue to support itself.
You are better off spending your time and effort learning a new skill or up-skilling. Although your videos are great entertainment because of the reactions they receive.