I am a COMODO fan, but at the same time COMODO deserves every single bit of mockery - given the history of both the company and their products.
There are bugs that have been reported going back 10 years - or more - that have never been fixed.
That's the solution... don't use the features that COMODO built into CIS - because doing so will result in various problems - some critical... really ?
Well then, how about a car with defective seat-belts and air-bags - just don't use those safety features when riding in it - so you won't be hassled with problems and it will go better for you...
If COMODO can't fix the features - and obviously, by this point in time, they have been unable and\or unwilling to fix more than just a few, then those features should be removed - cut them out like the malignant tumors that they are.
I have interacted directly with COMODO Engineering on more than a few occasions. They request users to do all this hoop-jumping and time intensive leg-work. The user submits everything to CE as requested - and it either vaporizes or descends into the abyss never to be seen again.
One can go back to 2006\7 on the initial reports of the "Disappearing Rules" bug - and actually, even earlier on the Chinese forums.
ESET had the same problem with disappearing rules, but they managed to fix it.