Real-time protection
Way to much security in real time.
Emsisoft Antimalware with the OA Firewall is all you need in real time.MBAM can be safely removed from you real time config.Please note that this setup is very good but the HIPS from OA can generate a few pop-ups which you'll have to answer.So it's not as user friendly as G-data would be.
As for the Windows pop-up , I never saw one, back when I was using this product but If the alerts are from the Windows Action Center , you can easily disable them.
Just go to : Control Panel\System and Security\Action Center\Change Action Center settings and uncheck the group for which Windows is alerting you. (most likely Virus protection" , btw if you want you can show us a screenshot)
Another good option would be G-data IS 2012, I'm using it right now , and apart from the slow start I can't feel any slow down.This setup is very good if you want a friendly security with no alerts.
Now it seems that you've invested very much in your Real-Time protection but you have neglected all the other fields , here is what you should add and please keep in mind that real time protection is not the only way to fight malware :
Additional on-demand scanner:
Hitman Pro (Trial) -
An on-demand scanner using multiple anti-malware engines and cloud technology. It offers unlimited free scanning but once you use it to remove detected malware it switches to a 30-day trial version. I recommend using it after you've scanned your hard-drive with the other products you have installed.
Additional browser plugins
WOT (Free) -
To help you avoid malicious sites you can use Web of Trust (WOT) a website rating browser plugin. After you add it to your browser make sure you only visit websites rated "Green" by WOT
LastPass (Free/) -
LastPass is an online password manager and form filler that makes web browsing easier and more secure.
Adblock Plus for Google Chrome (Free) -
Adblock Plus for Google Chrome is a content-filtering extension for Google Chrome. Adblock allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being downloaded and displayed.
Sandboxie (Free/Paid) -
Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.
More details -
Extra protection:
VTUploader (Free) -
To upload a file to VirusTotal, you can visit the main analysis site, click the Browse button to select a file from your hard drive, and then click the Send file button. You can make this process even easier with the free VirusTotal Uploader utility. After installing it, you can simply right-click any file under 20MB and choose "VirusTotal" from the Send To Windows menu. The scan results will display in your browser as usual.