- Aug 19, 2019
- 1,296
My planned security setup to continue through 2022. I did a lot of back and forth between this and Comodo Internet Security the past year but determined to stick with this option. If Comodo comes out with a product update I may revisit it .
Controlled Folder Access is still something I'm not solidly using but I think I just need to understand it a bit better or whitelist what I need to. I also stopped running WD in it's own sandbox since Tamper Protection became a MD feature and it slowed things randomly on my machine.
Edge Exploit settings:
Exploit Protection settings for browsers (thanks to @Umbra @oldschool ). These have broken anything yet, e.g. extensions crashing.
- for Brave, Edge and Firefox:
ADD for Edge Chromium only: Code integrity guard - ON (with or without Also allow images signed by M$ Store CHECKED)
uBlock Origin Dynamic and Static rules:
Advanced user ticked for hard mode/medium mode
Dynamic rules:
Hopefully not to many major changes as this works well.
Controlled Folder Access is still something I'm not solidly using but I think I just need to understand it a bit better or whitelist what I need to. I also stopped running WD in it's own sandbox since Tamper Protection became a MD feature and it slowed things randomly on my machine.
Edge Exploit settings:
Exploit Protection settings for browsers (thanks to @Umbra @oldschool ). These have broken anything yet, e.g. extensions crashing.
- for Brave, Edge and Firefox:
Block low integrity images - ON
Block remote images - ON
Block untrusted fonts - ON
Control flow guard (CFG) - ON
Data execution prevention (DEP) - ON + Enable thunk emulation - CHECKED
Disable extension points - ON
Force randomization for images (Mandatory ASLR) - ON + Do not allow stripped images - CHECKED
Randomize memory allocations (Bottom-up ASLR) - ON
Validate exception chains (SEHOP) - ON
Validate handle usage - ON
Validate heap integrity - ON
Validate image dependency integrity - ON
ADD for Edge Chromium only: Code integrity guard - ON (with or without Also allow images signed by M$ Store CHECKED)
uBlock Origin Dynamic and Static rules:
Advanced user ticked for hard mode/medium mode
Dynamic rules:
no-csp-reports: * true
no-large-media: behind-the-scene false
no-popups: * true
no-strict-blocking: true
* * 3p block
* * 3p-frame block
* * 3p-script block
* com * noop
* eu * noop
* info * noop
* io * noop
* net * noop
* org * noop
* uk * noop
behind-the-scene * * noop
behind-the-scene * 1p-script noop
behind-the-scene * 3p noop
behind-the-scene * 3p-frame noop
behind-the-scene * 3p-script noop
behind-the-scene * image noop
behind-the-scene * inline-script noop
Static Filters:
! Block beacons, plugins and websockets everywhere
! Block potentially unsafe third-party content to unencrypted websites
! Block opening webpages on top level domains and countries I never visit
! Inject javascript to blur Google FLOC interest tagging
! Block switch to Chrome popop on google domains (search, maps, etc)
! Block Google search URL paramater tracking
! youtube.com
youtube.com###alert-banner > .ytd-browse > .yt-alert-with-actions-renderer
youtube.com###mealbar\:3 > ytm-mealbar.mealbar-promo-renderer
youtube.com##+js(json-prune, *.playerResponse.adPlacements)
youtube.com##+js(json-prune, *.playerResponse.playerAds)
youtube.com##+js(json-prune, 2.playerResponse.adPlacements playerResponse.adPlacements playerResponse.playerAds adPlacements playerAds)
youtube.com##+js(json-prune, 2.playerResponse.adPlacements)
youtube.com##+js(json-prune, playerResponse.adPlacements)
youtube.com##+js(json-prune, playerResponse.playerAds)
youtube.com##+js(set, ytInitialPlayerResponse.adPlacements, null)
youtube.com##ytd-popup-container > .ytd-popup-container > #contentWrapper > .ytd-popup-container[position-type="OPEN_POPUP_POSITION_BOTTOMLEFT"]
Hopefully not to many major changes as this works well.
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