I've read your post and I understand that you want decent protection that is light on your system. To be absolutely honest with you I would just stick with using Eset. Despite what some have said here, its protection is very good. If you are considering switching from their AV to their Internet security version you do get a few more features, most notably their firewall. I wouldn't stress over the little things (ie: HIPS vs BB vs webcam protection, etc...), as both products will protect you well as long as you practice safe surfing habits (ie: don't download illegal/cracked games, etc... ). If you practice unsafe habits, no product will protect you 100%, it really is a matter of fact.
Since you are very happy with Eset I would just stick with it, unless you have had some issues with it, as others have already said just stick with what you know. Its light weight and offers very good protection. Without knowing your skill level, just to let you know that Eset has some very powerful features that can keep you well protected if setup properly. If you haven't already, there are some threads here that can help you setup Eset for more protection if that is a concern for you. Also there are very knowledgeable people here that know Eset very well,
@RoboMan is one of them (hopefully he will chime in if he sees this thread) and can help you setup Eset if you feel like you need more protection. As
@Spawn said, you can also add (if you haven't all ready) a AD Blocker of some sort and an additional web filter, IF and I mean IF you feel you need more. Keep in mind all the major browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) all have very good protection built in, so between that, an AD-Blocker and Eset you should be well protected. More does not mean better protection
Truth be told, Eset is a very capable, powerful product on the security front and its also very light weight, perfect for a gaming system.

Also, keep in mind that you don't need to stress over security, install what ever program works best for you, practice safe habits take the time to learn if you aren't sure and you should be well protected.