Shadow Death said:
To be honest, I don't think Firefox has ever had a memory issue. "Firefox uses 100-200MB of ram"... woo... 100-200MB out of how many gigs of ram?
Got 4GB I have to agree with you. The Ram Usage wasn't a problem for me......The RAM Usage will increase once the users will start adding plugins .... Right now I'm using 5 add ons on Chrome which take around 60MB to run and to be fair I had never even monitor how much they are using because...well.... I have 4 GB RAM

. As long as everything is working fine I see no major if the browser is using 100 or 200 MB of ram to run.
The Ram Usage wasn't really a issue for Firefox,the main problem for Mozilla is that Google is building an entire world around Chrome....
eg : Chrome Web Store...Did you check it out lately? They've got a ton of stuff.. And what is Mozilla doing? ... Well.....they are trying to lower the memory usage from 100 to 150.... pathetic...