Further cleanup of my config.
Uninstalled VoodooShield (nice but not really needed).
Replaced uBlock Origin with AdGuard because I get less ad block warnings with AdGuard now and it just works.
Can change repeatedly, I just like them both

Removed Certificate Info and Netcraft because they are not available in the Microsoft Store and not really needed.
The biggest change is going with the recommended settings of Hard_Configurator beta again.
So far printing and scanning with my HP OfficeJet Pro 9015 is working great.
I had only 1 block in the logs for C:\Users\Gandalf\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS6ECF\FileExtractor.exe
This extracts a fresh copy of HP Print and Scan Doctor when you want to solve any issues.
I whitelisted that file by hash.
@Andy Ful Is that the right way?