IMHO, Comodo's threads are not even about "presenting evidences". I never saw a Comodo's fanatic presenting evidences, 99,99% of Comodo's fanatic comments are personal attacks (ad-hominem). Also, over the years we have presented tons and tons of evidences, it's possible to find tons of evidences in the web, and Comodo's fanatics like flat-earthers, are just deniers of reality. Even if you take a Comodo's fanatic into space, and show him that the Earth is an oblate spheroid/ellipsoid, he will die repeating that you are a clown (ad-hominem), and the Earth is flat (denial of reality).
IMHO, Comodo's threads are just about INTOLERANCE.
It's natural, Comodo never had lot of users, over the time Comodo lost more and more users, just a few fanatics remained alive ("the last of the Mohicans"), they are extremist, most of them are old people, they are not only unable to deal with criticism, they are not open to new and better alternatives, and they are totally unable to deal with evidences against Comodo.
By the way, similar fanaticism is no different than the intolerance we see today in the world, in all areas (political, economic, military etc.). Unfortunately, current humanity is a mixture of ignorance and intolerance.