Ha !
Windows 10 is still
such a touchy subject .
I cannot recall another issue that has polarized the lovers and haters so much , and it can quickly get " shouty "
I use Linux for all of my personal stuff , including research , but the majority of my clients are running W7 , 8 or 10
so I have to be familiar with all of them ( I have W8.x and W10 as VMs ) .
I loved W7 to bits , and still have it installed on an older laptop ( unpatched for a year now BTW , and still running great )
and I personally rate it as the best ever product from M$ , but the aggressive pushing of W10 ( GWX ) and the chaos that
followed with all of the update issues forced me to turn my back on M$ for good .
Regarding the question from the OP ....
For stability , ease of use , and for many other reasons , Mint has to be my top recommendation .
Ubuntu will feel more comfortable to Mac users ( but I have a bunch of gripes about it , technical and aesthetic ones

My next best pick would be
Zorin .
I've been recently recommending or installing it for folks suffering from " M$ Fatigue Syndrome " ,
and I have yet to hear a negative comment .
I first tried it last year running Live off a USB stick , and everything worked , right out of the box .
Network connections , all hardware and drivers etc .
And I've been a compulsive distro-hopper for many years , so I don't impress easily .
I should say here that I am not a gamer , and as things stand right now , Linux simply can not deliver the performance
that serious players get from Mac or Windows .
Throwing expensive hardware upgrades at the problem doesn't solve it either .
There is no shortage of disgruntled gamers on the Linux forums !
Anyway , as always , just my two kopecks worth