2. Blocked Ad Aware and Slim Cleaner (I had to disable spyshelter in order to install them)
According to my video, SpyShelter Firewall 3.0 did a OK job. The part that bothers me the most is that it wanted to block Ad Aware and Slim Cleaner. The great thing about SpyShelter Firewall 3.0 is the "Auto-Block Suspicious Behavior." It is much easier for Non-Experienced Users to not receive alerts asking what to do, but it is also a bad thing because SpyShelter thinks Ad Aware and Slim Cleaner are suspicious. Personally me, I would rather use comodo, online armor, or private firewall because I do not feel like paying for a firewall.
comodo has good feature and if they focuses more on fixing bugs & issues instead of adding more useless bloat at each version, CIS would be already very solid