Deleted member 178
@illumination i going to install Kubuntu v15. i forgot how to do lol , lucky i did the guide ^^ i also have to check again all the article we did 
For a long time, AMD users were SOL in Linux. NVidia has always been more accepting of Linux and didn't adopt the "Windows or die" attitude that most companies had and still do have in many cases. That 3000 is not that old. neither is the 6470. You sure you weren't trying to use Ubuntu with the desktop effects enabled? Because that could have been the issue. In fact, your card/s sits well within the range of the minimum Ubuntu requirements. One of the biggest reasons people choose Linux is because it works so well on old/crappy hardware.
If you got Windows pre-installed and then install any Linux Distro alongside, then 99% of your drivers/hardware troubles are solved. I never had troubles with Linux Mint though with my hardware, even without Windows installed.
So I'll rephrase the title of this Topic "Linux or Windows" to "Linux and Windows"
IdiotsWell a clash of opinions is all well and good in the texture of a woven discussion but to say that windows is better supported than linux is a bit of a misnomer.
Consider this.:
- Supported by whom.?
- Support for which kind of user as this could have hundreds of different connotations.
- The ever increasing malware problem on windows.
- The closed source nature of windows and mac.(Can you be really be sure surveillance software is not in these products.?)
- Windows and mac maybe indeed top operating systems,but this in itself is a security risk.
- Windows is more capable than linux you declare.Well i would sincerely disagree with that statement.
- Whatever you can do on windows can be easily achieved on linux.
Why would you spend $2500 on a home gaming PC for Linux.
I'm not thinking of moving to linux anytime soon. This is mainly because our entire software ecosystem of the world are built around Mac and Windows. Let me give you an example. Suppose you are working on a project and all your group mates, teachers etc. are using Microsoft Office. If you are using linux, there is a real possibility of compatibility issues, from things like unsupported features and different formatting etc. Or download from google docs and open in Office) Do you want to risk your grades because you ardently support linux?
If you are really paranoid, how about enjoying the security of both linux and Windows? You can consider Browser in the Box. It runs chrome/firefox in virtual machine running on a locked down version of linux. Its designed with support from the German Government. I haven't tried it yet as you can't test it out in a VM, but the concept sound really interesting.
Suppose you are working on a project and all your group mates, teachers etc. are using Microsoft Office. If you are using linux, there is a real possibility of compatibility issues, from things like unsupported features and different formatting etc. Even google docs is not a good replacement as the formatting of Office and Google are very different. (Just try uploading a project document to google docs and see what I mean. Or download from google docs and open in Office) Do you want to risk your grades because you ardently support linux?
It has the best compatibility for MS Office formats.
If you wan't a chrome OS lookalike os try Chromixium.