I uninstalled it. I mentioned the reason in my config thread: PC: SECURE - XhenEd Security ConfigurationYou mentioned you were running KIS, not running now? Any probs/reasons?
I am trying KIS 2016.
On protected browser I get popup Kaspersky is not providing complete protection of your data - protection against screenshots is disabled.
I checked settings & protection against screenshots option is enabled.
I checked TaskManager - Performance -
Virtualization - Disabled
Hyper-V Support - Yes
So I guess I can enable Virtualization & prob solved.
But I want to know 1 thing.
I use Rollback Rx Pro. Would enabling Virtualization affect Rollback Rx Pro functioning?
Win 10 Pro 64 Bits
I will see if enabling Virtualization the popup goes away.If I recall correctly, it is because your system is 64-bit.
Kaspersky has yet to release any versions that completely support 64-bit systems.
I will see if enabling Virtualization the popup goes away.
Virtualization Disabled - Protected Browser had orange border & gave popup not providing complete protection. I clicked details on the popup & it took me to a webpage that mentioned few reasons for the prob. All the reasons mentioned were fine here except Virtualization was disabled.It has nothing to do with virtualization or Hyper-V. If you look in the KIS User's Manual, I remember something about no anti-screenshot protection on 64-bit systems.
Safe Money works on 64-bit now.If I recall correctly, it is because your system is 64-bit.
Kaspersky has yet to release any versions that completely support 64-bit systems.
Uh, mines 64 bit and I've been using it for over a year. No problems yet.If I recall correctly, it is because your system is 64-bit.
Kaspersky has yet to release any versions that completely support 64-bit systems.
Yes, because sometimes can be "legal software" it is why even in Automatic/Default Settings Kaspersky always will ask before delete this kind of threats...When PUP (Legal software that may be risky, etc...) is detected, KIS doesn't quarantine like it does for malware but gives popup take action on detected threats?
I guess programs trying to touch those folder will generate alert or block by Kaspersky, right?
And if users manually touch those folders then no prob i.e no alert or block, right?
So user freely can open/copy/edit/save files in those folders?It depends not on the user but the original rights You set for the different groups of application confidence: Trusted, Low Rest., High Rest. etc.
I want user can freely i.e manually copy/edit, etc... with no probs.Yes, but You can even set restrictions for different operations over the protected files/folder, even for trusted applications... as I said most depends on the rights/limitations You set for the different confidence groups/operations over those files/folders...