Title says it all.
For those looking to buy their first smartphone, borrowing money or looking to upgrade their existing handset.
Spending your savings on mobile phone technology is not worth it.
Feel free to disagree.
No , I fully agree ..... apart from anything else , just look at all of the violent street crime that comes from people
staggering about with a grand's worth of techno-bling on public display .
How about this option ..... just for chuckles ?
Buy a cheap Chinese smart phone ..... you really get a lot of " bang for your buck " with those things !!
[ So long as you can sleep OK , knowing that every device manufactured has already been back-doored
at the hardware level ...... and BTW it wasn't really the Tooth Fairy that left us that money ..... it was Mao ... Ha ! ]
Anyway .....
Buy the phone , do the usual rooting ...... unlock fastboot , enable USB debugging , adb .... blah , blah , blah
Then install Replicant , Lineage or whatever is currently the OS you most fancy .....
..... carry on with the apps you want , carefully avoiding all Google apps , and choosing only open source alternatives
Examples -
OpenGApps.org offers information and pre-built packages of The Open GApps Project. The Open GApps Project is an open-source effort to script the automatic generation of up-to-date Google Apps packages. All Android versions and platforms supported.
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I'm seriously interested to hear from anyone who has done this , and is happy with the results ..... thanks