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Lavasoft Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+
Lavasoft Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ v10 was just released, i never used it before so i will discover it with you by doing an "out-of-the-box" review on a real system (dedicated Rollback RX snapshot with Win 8 x64 Pro up-to-date)
I downloaded the online installer directly from the website, it weight 5mb, then it will ask you if you want a default installation, companion AV installation or custom installation. You can also install its toolbar (secure search engine -blekko - , web reputation, toolbar cleaner, etc...)
I chose the default one with the toolbar and co.
then the installer will download the software (~23mb) and update the signatures database.
It will do a reboot of the system, i don't feel any major slowdown during it, this is good.
Resource Usage
3 processes for around 60mb RAM, its correct. i dont feel slowdowns.
Note that the toolbar will add another process using around 10mb.
The main UI is quite nice to the eye, Ad-Aware will ask you to register under 30 days "à la Avast" to keep protecting you. Ok lets do it. I got the email and the key ; then the UI become like that:
Options Tab
Nothing special there
--General : Show your license and allow you to set the close/minimize button functions
--Update : Allow you to check and tun on/off the automatic update; shows the software version
--Gaming Mode: You can turn it on/off here
Basic Protection Panel
Antivirus & Spyware tab
Divided into several panels:
- Scan, Quarantine, Reports, Schedule, Ignore List, Update Definition, Performance Setting.
Nothing really special in the scan panel, you know what will be scanned or not.
I like this panel option, may be useful when working during a scan.
Real-Time Protection
It is divided into:
-- Realtime protection, that allows you to select what will be protected
--Identity Protection (available only to USA citizen)
--Safe Browsing, in fact, its Web Filter
Advanced Protection
Only for paid users.
Now i will do a custom scan of my "C:\Windows" folder with Critical Performance.
Resources usage:
We can see that the scan is low on resources (~30mb and 7% of CPU) , also we can guess that Ad-Aware uses GFI Vipre's engine.
Malware Test
Using a malware pack uploaded today on our hub.
Context scan:
detected: 29/36 = 80%
deleted: 27/36= 75%
Quite correct.
Execution of leftovers
2 samples were detected and quarantined, some others were running.
Final Note
Adaware is a decent solution , easy to use and setup with a correct engine, but the lack of features will not be enough compared to other freebies like Comodo IS, Avast, AVG or Avira.
I rate it 2/5
Thanks for reading.
Lavasoft Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ v10 was just released, i never used it before so i will discover it with you by doing an "out-of-the-box" review on a real system (dedicated Rollback RX snapshot with Win 8 x64 Pro up-to-date)
I downloaded the online installer directly from the website, it weight 5mb, then it will ask you if you want a default installation, companion AV installation or custom installation. You can also install its toolbar (secure search engine -blekko - , web reputation, toolbar cleaner, etc...)
I chose the default one with the toolbar and co.
Ad-Aware Security Toolbar constantly checks sites against a constantly updated list of reported phishing and malware infected sites. The list is updated every 5-20 minutes and provides real-time browsing protection against the latest web-based exploits, from back door Trojans to phishing sites.

then the installer will download the software (~23mb) and update the signatures database.
It will do a reboot of the system, i don't feel any major slowdown during it, this is good.
Resource Usage
3 processes for around 60mb RAM, its correct. i dont feel slowdowns.

Note that the toolbar will add another process using around 10mb.

The main UI is quite nice to the eye, Ad-Aware will ask you to register under 30 days "à la Avast" to keep protecting you. Ok lets do it. I got the email and the key ; then the UI become like that:

Options Tab
Nothing special there
--General : Show your license and allow you to set the close/minimize button functions
--Update : Allow you to check and tun on/off the automatic update; shows the software version
--Gaming Mode: You can turn it on/off here
Basic Protection Panel
Antivirus & Spyware tab
Divided into several panels:
- Scan, Quarantine, Reports, Schedule, Ignore List, Update Definition, Performance Setting.

Nothing really special in the scan panel, you know what will be scanned or not.

I like this panel option, may be useful when working during a scan.
Real-Time Protection
It is divided into:
-- Realtime protection, that allows you to select what will be protected

--Identity Protection (available only to USA citizen)
Identity Monitoring & Data Security Services
Integration with ID Watchdog provides free credit report monitoring and alerting capabilities to notify users of any critical changes to their credit report that might be an early indicator of identity theft.
Monitor your Social Security Number, address history and other personally identifiable information. (service available to U.S Citizens only)

--Safe Browsing, in fact, its Web Filter

Advanced Protection
Only for paid users.
Now i will do a custom scan of my "C:\Windows" folder with Critical Performance.

Resources usage:

We can see that the scan is low on resources (~30mb and 7% of CPU) , also we can guess that Ad-Aware uses GFI Vipre's engine.
Malware Test
Using a malware pack uploaded today on our hub.
Context scan:
detected: 29/36 = 80%
deleted: 27/36= 75%
Quite correct.

Execution of leftovers
2 samples were detected and quarantined, some others were running.

Final Note
Adaware is a decent solution , easy to use and setup with a correct engine, but the lack of features will not be enough compared to other freebies like Comodo IS, Avast, AVG or Avira.
I rate it 2/5
Thanks for reading.