I think you'd need the enterprise edition of Windows, as I remember from a recent
@bazang post. And, anyway, why bother with a trial when your current setup is more than enough?
Enterprise versions of security software do not provide greatly improved security versus the consumer versions. If there is any increased benefit from the product technology and design, it is only incremental and therefore not the big improvement that people hope and want it to be.
The thing people never consider is that enterprise security products are designed for use in a structured environment that adheres to the security process. Meaning that security is not software. It is a process. It is that process that provides the security and not the software. The software is only a tiny part of it. All the administrative controls and oversight are the most important part of the security process. The security process also uses defense-in-depth which includes a lot of capabilities - people, processes, technologies, and behaviors.
Enterprise versions address issues such as deployability across a large, complex enterprise environment with a lot of device diversity and reports. There's always the reports that get reviewed in daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual meetings. Then those products support security impact analyses, security audits, self-assessments, and actual compliance IT audits.
Enterprises use things like authorized and approved software inventories (lists) and default-deny to prevent users from downloading and executing untrusted mobile code. If it is from the internet, then it is poison and prohibited. For enterprises and organizations with high security maturity - this is the enterprise system of security... continuous monitoring and a very strict continuous monitoring with iron fisted enforcement. "Users that want to use stuff" are not allowed to do what they want to do. There is no default allow and there is no ON/OFF capability because those are the things that lead of user-created compromise.
Home users don't do any of this. So they will be very disappointed in enterprise security software. They are actually wasting their money buying enterprise products.