Expired Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 for FREE

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Level 10
Thread author
Mar 30, 2014
Revo Uninstaller Pro 3


The Revo Uninstaller will record new installations, preventing any of your programs from remaining on your computer or even unwanted programs.
In addition, Revo has a huge database of prepared installation logs that can cleanly erase popular applications without your own log.

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[CB] Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 - softwarestars

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Download version 3 - original from Revo home
Revo Uninstaller Pro - History
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Level 15
Top Poster
Content Creator
Sep 1, 2017
V3 Pro for free!? Wowzers! Now that is a very nice deal for everyone to take part in who likes Revo. Been using Revo uninstaller pro for a while now. V4 is better with Windows 10 and getting ride of a few things. However V3 at its last/latest release is really good too though.

Solid find there @hamo !


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018
The way Revo generally works.... once you have a Pro license, even when it expires, you get to keep virtually all the Pro attributes. You just don't get updates and a few relatively unimportant things.

I've tried multiple uninstallers.... I've yet to use one as good as Revo.

So yeah, this is a good find.


Level 15
Top Poster
Content Creator
Sep 1, 2017
The way Revo generally works.... once you have a Pro license, even when it expires, you get to keep virtually all the Pro attributes. You just don't get updates and a few relatively unimportant things.

I've tried multiple uninstallers.... I've yet to use one as good as Revo.

So yeah, this is a good find.

Very good indeed!!! @Burrito !


Level 3
Sep 10, 2018
Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 GIVEAWAY is now available for the first 1000 new subscribers
Dear friends, a special Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 GIVEAWAY is now available for the first 1000 new subscribers for our newsletter. Follow the steps through the link below and you will receive instantly after subscribing, your absolutely free, Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 license key on the e-mail you prefer. Hurry up, time flies as well as the keys.⏳


Level 33
Top Poster
May 4, 2018
Do I download the V3.2.1 and not the V4 from that page correct?


Don't worry all sorted and got the pro version! Deffo getting rid of Revo Uninstaller Free Portable now.



Level 15
Top Poster
Content Creator
Sep 1, 2017
@LDogg ,

That is correct as that was the last version of v3 (the v3.2.1). You will then use the information provided to register it.

Fantastic uninstaller that is for sure! I use the Pro Portable myself as I'm a tech and the v4.0.5 is much better with Windows 10 v1809 or just Windows 10 in general. However, v3 works with Windows 10 just not as good.



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