Really? BD free over something with HMP+HMPA+ A great webguard, decent sigs and cloud and interceptX? There are free AV's I'd go with but BD free not a chance. BD paid is a bug fest and BD internet security gets bypassed a fair bit in the hub. To be honest I think WD+CF is all that's needed but SHP does offer a LOT more than BD free.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't like any of BD products I think Bitdefender is THE most overrated security company in the world. Their support is shocking. I'll probably end up back with WD+CF soon as I really do love that setup. I'm going to give Sophos home premium a fair go though as the license didn't cost me a penny.Free over paid. I don't have any issue at all with Bitdefender Free. No slow down at all. I have used Bitdefender Free over a year now.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't like any of BD products I think Bitdefender is THE most overrated security company in the world. Their support is shocking. I'll probably end up back with WD+CF soon as I really do love that setup. I'm going to give Sophos home premium a fair go though as the license didn't cost me a penny.
I've got CF running with SHP great here I just set up exclusions.
I'm just about to install SHP on my main system, it's taken a few hours to say bye for now to KIS lol.
Meh, I just rolled my systems over to SHP as well.. So far flawless and no issues across the Win10 machines we have (all gamers).
Bit Defender Free is trash, and slow-sig Bit Defender with it's sloppy and slow firewall and bugs? Hell no, why are we even talking about that?
Anyway, not sure I want to pair up SHP with anything at this point, it's done so well on the DMZ test machine with all of the modules working in concert. VS? Thinking about it.
go through @harlan4096 's malware hub results and go through @Brodyaga 's and see which is overrated.I don't think Bitdefender is the most overrated security company in the world. I think Kaspersky is the most overrated security company in the world instead. I'm a cheap stake dude so to me Bitdefender Free + VoodooShield or Windows Defender + VoodooShield is not a bad choice either.
Its integrated now in the Home Premium version.since when is SHP including InterceptX? Isn't InterceptX only available with the endpoint version?
i did, it was mediocre, so i gave up on it@mekelek maybe test it in the hub ?
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't like any of BD products I think Bitdefender is THE most overrated security company in the world. Their support is shocking. I'll probably end up back with WD+CF soon as I really do love that setup. I'm going to give Sophos home premium a fair go though as the license didn't cost me a penny.
That's one major issue with Bitdefender isn't it, You find a bug, report it, post on their forums about it and they do nothing about it. Bitdefender definitely need to listen to their users more and improve their customer support.“Bitdefender is the most overrated security company in the world”. Nowadays, yes you are right. Some years ago I was an active user in an Arabic Security forum which had a forum for testing malware samples. Bitdefender did the most great results even better than Kaspersky. There was a named Black007 who was using Kaspersky on custom settings. He disabled “automatic settings of Kaspersky so that it becomes fully manual and asks the user about everything” Any way the forum discovered a serious bug in Bitdefender in IDS module which did not work in 64 but systems. Ids and AVC “Active Virus Control” are the key for Bitdefender strength. We did post in the Bitdefender forum letting them now about this serious issue but they never responded. I stopped using Bitdefender since then. Sorry for the off-topic but it is worth mentioning
This is not just an issue. If the malware is not caught by signatures nor cloud, it just paypasses Bitdefender Security. This happened on 64x systems. X86 systems were fully protected. I guess Bitdefender addresses this serious issue 4 years later.That's one major issue with Bitdefender isn't it, You find a bug, report it, post on their forums about it and they do nothing about it. Bitdefender definitely need to listen to their users more and improve their customer support.
i did, it was mediocre, so i gave up on it
i did more testing that time but didnt post it on the hub.
read the last line again, i ran more tests but didn't publish it on the hub, since they were embarassingOne should not judge a product by running one test. Actually it might depends on what a person has in mind about a certain product. I mean if someone like Kaspersky and it fails in a test or another he will justify it by saying no product is perfect. In Sophos case, it is not well-known and I am sure it is a good product. I’m not defending SoPhons but I guess it is a major problem of forums neglecting less known antivirus products.