Glad to hear it, but this thread isn't about Kaspersky. Literally every thread derailment on this forum is derailed by the same couple of guys talking about Kaspersky.
Seriously, this Kaspersky stuff has transcended mere fascination, and appears to be some sort of concerted effort to stifle all non-Kaspersky discussion. I get it, some people like it.. Great.. Go play with it, click it, keep opening it 50 times a day to check on it. But seriously, can we have ANY discussion on this forum without Kaspersky being injected into it? I can't wait for Kaspersky to get sanctioned (and it's coming), that'll fix things right up and hopefully temper the rabid thread invasions around here.
As surprising as this may sound, many of us around here could care less about Kaspersky. Remember how Triple Helix was with Webroot? Well...