- Sep 28, 2013
- 585
SUMo - 5.11.3 (Released 2020-08-30)

0006106: [Refactoring] SUMo debug log shall contain "Dark mode activation" (in debug mode) (Kyle_Katarn)
0006133: [Bug] Wrong version reported for WD Security (Kyle_Katarn)
0006132: [Refactoring] Wrong company decoding for Snap Art (Kyle_Katarn)
0006104: [Refactoring] List background is white when dark mode is enabled from wizard of first run while list is empty (Kyle_Katarn)
0006131: [Refactoring] Wrong version reported for Maxthon when using file from AppData\Local (Kyle_Katarn)
0006153: [Refactoring] Wrong version reported for iSCSIAgent (Kyle_Katarn)
0006136: [Refactoring] SUMo should not scan "Chrome_proxy" but should redirect to Chrome.exe (Kyle_Katarn)
0006143: [Refactoring] "RStudio" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0006137: [Refactoring] "Superfly Inc." company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0006144: [Refactoring] Updated Swedish translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006140: [Refactoring] Updated Chinese translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006138: [Refactoring] Updated Greek translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006134: [Bug] "MPC-Beats by Akai" is incorrectly reported as "Media Player Classic - Black Editionats by" (Kyle_Katarn)