Yes it's going to be free until EOL.
And you most likely will still get signature updates after end of life .
And the EOL is so far there is no current one decided.
Are you really just getting out of the Endpoint Security business altogether?
Absolutely not. Broadcom is very much committed to investing and innovating the Symantec Endpoint Security
solutions. Because Endpoint Security is moving quickly beyond malware, we passionately believe our
customers need to be on the latest most-up-to-date endpoint security to stay better protected. With that in
mind, we’re offering this free upgrade to our customers to ensure they are protected. Symantec will be
investing R&D in three Endpoint Security Solutions:
§ Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP 14.X which provides on-premises management)
§ Symantec Endpoint Security (SES which provides protection for workstations, servers, and mobile
devices with the option of on-premises management or cloud management)
§ Symantec Endpoint Security Complete (SESC that provides everything in SES plus additional
enterprise grade features like EDR, Application Isolation, Application Control and Active Directory