ForgottenSeer 823865
Again, Firewalls were never meant to protect the system from malware calling home. If you have a proper security strategy, software firewalls are useless security-wise.
All those FUD about having a outbound monitoring firewall is consequences of perpetual brainwashing from 3rd party security vendors...
Be logic, if their own security features are so good at detecting and blocking malwares , why would they implement outbound monitoring, malware wouldn't even be able to call home if it were the case.
Don't let yourself get FUDed.
All those FUD about having a outbound monitoring firewall is consequences of perpetual brainwashing from 3rd party security vendors...
Be logic, if their own security features are so good at detecting and blocking malwares , why would they implement outbound monitoring, malware wouldn't even be able to call home if it were the case.
Don't let yourself get FUDed.