@Vasudev. Your configuration for 3 PCs provides a wealth of protections, and I particularly liked seeing you've SelfDestructingCookies in place for privacy. Tonight I've begun using CCleaner prior to all my browsing sessions rather than afterward. This was inspired by linux's bleachbit, and it's optional running at start-up which reduces tracking. Another simple yet effective method to further secure privacy, if you haven't already done this, is setting Firefox to 'Never remember history'.
If you're happy using MSE, do consider the practical advice
@FireShootSK mentioned by utilizing a sandbox,
..which (imho) is among the foremost methods of protecting your system.
We've followed
@frogboy's tip to you, and use Shadow Defender for 2 of our 3 computers!
Although we prefer Sandboxie's & Shadow Defender's protections, for our revived Dell desktop with linux lubuntu, we've chosen a free sandboxing alternative called "Time Freeze" to shield Windows XP's unpatched holes that could cause it to sink!
The use of safe habits shall continue to be the better protection than the best apps & extensions.
Thanks for sharing with us, and allowing us to share with you!