Here's something interesting, Cyberlock allows apps to run knowing they are not safe. As you can see from the screenshot below, Cyberlock's whitecloud does not see Handbrake as safe. Yet Handbrake is able to run just fine. Now, and I know I must be missing something, but isn't the entire point of Cyberlock to prevent things from running that are not deemed safe. Again, I assume this is user error and that my settings are wrong. How can I prevent this?
View attachment 276292
Also, as always, cute doggo
Thank you, I just tested Handbrake. FYI, the installable version of Handbrake is considered safe, but the portable version is not.
If Handbrake is not on the whitelist and VS is ON, VS will block it, whether it is the Safe installable or Not Safe portable version of Handbrake.
After the user allows the file, WLC will give you a Not Safe Items Detected warning for the portable version of Handbrake, so that you can manually verify to VS that the file is safe. It is just an extra security precaution. Also, VS's Web Management Console has a new feature / tab called Unknowns. It is working, but there are a few things we need to refine. It essentially does the same thing as above, but the Unknown feature allows admins to quickly and easily evaluate any questionable items the user allowed, for example, if there is an Unsafe verdict in VoodooAi, or Not Safe verdict in WLC.
I hope this makes sense, if not, please let me know! Oh, and thank you, yeah, dogs are the best, huh?