What happened to Calendar of Updates?

calendarof updates website down
keep getting popup timed out server taking to long to connect just wondering if anyone else seeing this. thanks

What happened to Calendar of Updates?
What happened to Calendar of Updates?
Good, now that VS has an official forum, what will be said there will be measured and responsible, proper and fair moderation must be implemented since it officially represent VS company's voice.Kaput!
Is a clean install of 5.53 necessary?
Hey guys, it should be working as expected now, but if you have any problems please let me know!
The multiple monitor issue with VS Top Most should be fixed as well, but if we need to tweak it please let me know.
As usual, I would either perform a clean install (preferred) or reset your whitelist.
SHA-256: 923908d1c08597cf788cfd7e5703ea7cb9ece5afa8abb71932688e0b6f622297
Thank you guys, please let me know if I missed anything!
Hey guys, here is 554, it should be good to go, but if you find anything, you know where to find me.
BTW, I made a couple of optimizations on the WLC analysis machines as well… I hope I did not introduce a bug that will cause the cloud end of WLC to crash, but I will keep an eye on it.
You should be able to install over the top, but if you run into problems, please either perform a clean install or reset your whitelist.
VS 5.54 beta
SHA-256: 583babd999c83bb4d5929d39c690c0194b2c7988e6b8d7d6da99ef354b477f9e
Thank you guys, have a great weekend!
Hey guys, this last infinite spinning issue has proved a little difficult to track down, simply because the exception is not being logged. Once we have a good error message it should be super easy to fix. So if you are still experiencing this issue, please check your Windows Event Viewer to see if the error is logged there, and if you find an error please email or post the entire error. The source should be VoodooShieldService. Thank you guys!
Thank you guys! Krusty was having an issue where one of his security apps was locking the file permissions of an item that WLC was trying to scan, so it put it into an infinite loop. Normally this kind of error would be caught, but it was happening in one of VS’s dll’s, so the error was not logged. Anyway, it should be fixed now… and hopefully there are not going to be any other bugs that create this issue. But if there are, just let me know!
If VS is running fine, you should be able to install over the top, but if not, I would do a clean install.
VS 5.54F beta
SHA-256: 68441b9c1cdb871cd0181ead2b6fecd441582fccb6bbd4b3d144e72ec746186d
Thank you guys, talk to you soon!
After seeing red (tray icon) again I sent new logs to Dan. Apparently over-installing F over E did not add the new VoodooShield service.
My advice, clean install 5.54F to ensure your machine is running the new service