Before I begin let me say that I Never (never, ever) will install a major Comodo update BEFORE it is available via the internal updater. Personally I view previous versions as nothing more than Beta's, and on should NEVER use a beta as the main Security solution. So although I've played with version 11 in a VM, my main system still is protected (extremely well) by version 10. So the following comments would pertain only to version 10 (although my VM work shows that version 11 is similar).
1). After reading these complaints I tried to install an unsigned application. Indeed although there was no ASK or ALLOW option, a popup did appear with a "Do Not Isolate Again" option. Perhaps I am simple-minded, but isn't that choice identical to ALLOW or ASK? Further, if one is undecided as to what to do when the popup appears, it is simplicity itself just to change the effected application to Trusted instead of Untrusted on the main GUI.
2). The AV- I absolutely and completely agree that the Comodo AV is not Kaspersky or even Avast. That's why I prefer CF instead of CIS (with the local AV scanner, which I can do without). However with CF one still gets a Cloud AV; this may be confusing to some as the Containment function will often eradicate malware BEFORE the Cloud AV can respond. However the Cloud AV will sometimes kill stuff- but without any popups stating that the Comodo AV detected something- the file will just not run at all, even in Containment. This did not mean the AV is pointless; it just means one did not get a direct alert.
3). Why, Oh Why does even the most insignificant issue about Comodo get blown up as a Bug causing some to write that no one should use it, whereas with other products even the most egregious faults are blown off? The other day I posted a video (that few watched) about Avira that demonstrated the inadequacy of base protection against a malware file a few days old. 2 days later Avira posted on Wilders that they improved things, and from the page and a half of comments people just lapped this up and everything was now Rainbows and Unicorns (without evidence, of course).
But God Forbid Comodo misspells something...