Everything is a creation of mind. The gross mind perceives things like tables, sunsets, rainbows, etc. But these things do not exist in the way that they appear. My "table" is not the same as your "table". There is no such "thing" as color. Color does not exist anywhere, it is merely light waves which are perceived by the eye via the eye sense power > and then my gross mind perceives a color, such as blue.
Everything we experience can only be experienced by mind. But, the "things" we experience are only "real" in the sense that we agree about the name for something. Thus, we call a table by that name - even though my experience of "table" is different than yours. All things "exist" in this way. We can even say the things we normally perceive do not exist at all, because if we search for them they can not be found, e.g. the "real" color. If we look for a rainbow, go searching for it, it disappears. All things "exist" in this way.
Even mind exists in this way. When we sleep, our subtle mind may dream a beautiful dream, but when we wake it is gone and we again perceive things with our gross mind. We also have a very subtle mind, which we can call our heart (and which we could also call our "soul"). We may access our very subtle mind through prayer or contemplation, but we definitely can realize it through meditation. The very subtle mind also manifests at the time of death. Understanding the nature of mind, its functions, etc. is the supreme method for knowing "reality". :emoji_pray::notworthy: