We constantly hear Google and Facebook are evil, but which do you think is worse and why?
You just reminded me of FB.You don't need to have a FB account or use FB in order to be tracked by FB.
Yes, Facebook Watches People Who Don't Have an Account
Facebook scoops up users' data as they navigate across the internet, but its far from the only one.www.newsweek.com
Google however are the biggest trackers period.
Google Is Tracking You On 86% Of The Top 50,000 Websites On The Planet
That’s over twice as many as Facebook.www.forbes.com
Both are detrimental to your privacy but I think that google is the most detrimental atleast on your android smarphone. From android to play store permissions when installing an app to your email to your browser to your location and camera and to the weather app...etc. I mean facebook doesn't need all these permissions but that's just my opinion.Why can't we say both ?
The thing with FaceBook is, they profile you even without an account. Bahaviourial patterns, IP and lots more that have nothing to do with their service. Which is why I find them more detrimental than Google, even though Google does the same thing. But unlike the former, its their primary business, data, and securing of said data.Only recently did I activate a Facebook account for myself, and mainly because I needed it to watch a ceremony my son was involved in. It creeped me out just how much they seemed to know about possible contacts of mine. I kind of expected it, but it still shocked me when it listed numerous people I might know, and in fact do know.