I tend to agree with
@show-Zi and,
All contributors have made valid points.
I see this topic as, a little like “horses for courses.” In
@show-Zi 's words: '
it depends on the cause of restoring.'
One reason for hesitation, regarding recovery partitions is; they too can be corrupted.
My personal routine is, regular disc images and, backups. Acronis is my current tool(old version - too slow.) I do overwrite my aged copies of most images, mainly due to redundancy. All are stored, securely, on several external drives.
I never leave a backup drive connected to a computer longer than the backup takes to complete.
I keep an “emergency” set of basic recovery discs(and/or USB stick) as an option. These do include necessary drivers, but not necessarily the latest. I prefer Windows PE media.
It's been quite a while since I have re-imaged my own machines. Mainly due to being time poor. Plus, no major issues.
However, I have re-imaged(or reinstalled Windows

) on numerous P.C.s, whilst working. Most of those cases involved serious breaches or malware(often both,) frequently compounded by panicked actions performed by the system owner.
I prefer to
start with with the most
simple option available. This is generally a native Windows function. The “KISS” principle doesn't always work but, it's served me well, over a long period of time. We have to start somewhere. To a great degree, this is dictated by the damage in need of repair.
After reviewing
@Nautilus &
@dinosaur07 words regarding the speed of Rollback Rx, it may well make an appearance in my kit. I'll be checking it out. Thank you!
Stay safe, well & happy!