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Good article Thanks for sharingA short time ago I read this article by Didier Stevens:
Analysis Of Unusual ZIP Files
Intrigued by a blog post from SpiderLabs on a special ZIP file they found, I took a closer look myself. That special ZIP file is a concatenation of 2 ZIP files, the first containing a single PNG fi…blog.didierstevens.com
which refers to:
Double Loaded Zip File Delivers Nanocore
Most malware sent via emails is packaged in archives such as ZIP, RAR, and 7z (7-Zip). Occasionally, we encounter some clever and creative ways these malicious archives are crafted. Here we will examine an example of an oddly formatted ZIP archive hiding the NanoCore malware.www.trustwave.com
Also in this case the choice of a zip file manager can be important for the prevention.