WiseVector was promptly tested on the 1st of April by
@Shadowra on my thread “Real World, Evasive Malware and Performance Test by Trident).
wscript F-Secure does not do well against scripts. A user needs to disable wscript globally. They also have to know that fact in the first place. An F-Secure user should disable the usual suspects - either the interpreters\sponsors or their associated file types. If you performed a prolific...
The test had 2 parts - easy malware test (where I handpicked samples everyone should detect), hard malware test (where one would expect hiccups to start) and user experience score (in the event few vendors have same score, small details in the user experience will drag them up/down to determine a winner easier).
Everyone passed the Real World (easy) test, except for WiseVector. The final score was far from brilliant and also the lowest.
It’s time to put WiseVector to rest — it’s not coming back neither for home users, nor for Enterprise.