1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk is a Bitcoin wallet address that is associated with email scams that try to trick you into thinking that your computer or phone is infected with malware and then threaten to make your data public. Contrary to the claims in the email, you haven’t been hacked (or at least, that’s not what prompted this email) and this is nothing more than a scam that tries to trick you into sending Bitcoins to 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk.
Here are a few email scams that use the 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk Bitcoin wallet.
Hello! I have got some bad news for you. Two months ago, I have received access to all electronic devices you use for browsing the internet. … If you don’t believe that I really got access to your email box, here is some persuasive evidence. Your password at the time when this email was hacked: [edited] Now I am going to reveal to you how it happened: I created a fake website of your email service (edited) and sent you an invitation for authorization. … Recently, I have figured out that you are a big fan of porn and enjoy watching “very specific hardcore movies”. … I have included the films you were watching while masturbating. Rest assured that I can easily send this interesting video to all your contacts, friends, relatives or simply post it on the web with just one click of mouse. … I offer you a deal: You transfer 1450 USD in Bitcoin equivalent to me and I once the payment is received, I will immediately delete all the evidence against you. I have been working on you and your files for two months by now, and trust me, this was just a chicken feed for me! If you don’t know how to purchase and send Bitcoins, then you can simply use any search engine (Google is just fine) for assistance.
So, here is my Bitcoin wallet: 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk I give you 48 hours to send me money. Please don’t respond to my email, since it makes no sense. I have created this letter in your email, and the reply address I have obtained from a single email database. … I see all your chats, wiretap your calls and spy on you.
Likewise, If I ever find out that you told anybody about this letter – the video will be immediately shared on web! As soon as you open this letter, I will receive an automatic notification and start the countdown right away. Good luck, and wish you never get a phishing like this again in future!
こんにちは、お元気ですか? 悪い話で会話を始めるのは快いものではないですが、仕方ないことです。 数ヶ月前、貴方がインターネット閲覧に利用しているデバイスへのアクセス権を取得しました。 それからずっと、全てのインターネット上の活動を追跡しています。 どうして私が追跡できるようになったかと言うと、 私はハッカーから複数のEメールアカウントを購入しました。(最近では、オンライン上で簡単に取引されています。) だから貴方のEメールアカウント(xxxx@xxxx)へ簡単にログインできたのです。 その1週間後、貴方がEメールを開くのに使うデバイスのオペレーティングシステム全てにトロイの木馬をインストールしました。 正直な話、かなり楽な作業でした。(受信トレイからリンクを開いてくれたからですよ。) 精巧に思われることは全て、かなり単純なのです。( ^∀^) そのソフトウェアによって私は貴方のデバイス内のコントローラー(マイク、キーボード、ビデオカメラ等)全てにアクセスが可能となりました。 Webの閲覧履歴や写真を含む貴方の個人的な情報全ては、私のサーバーに簡単にダウンロードできます。 貴方のメッセンジャーやSNSアカウント、Eメール、連絡先やチャットの会話履歴まで無理せずにアクセスができます。 私がお届けしたウィルスは署名を常に更新するため、アンチウィルスソフトでは感知されません。(ドライバーに感染するからです。) とにかくこれで、なぜ私が今まで検出されなかったのかはお分かりでしょう。 貴方の情報を収集している間に、貴方はアダルトコンテンツを取り扱うWebサイトの大ファンだと言うことを否が応でも学びました。 ポルノサイトへの訪問がお好きなようで、卑猥な動画を閲覧しながら、ご自分を慰めていたのですね。 喜びながらマスタベーションを行なって絶頂に達するまでの様子を映した複数の動画をモンタージュにした、貴方主体の記録動画を作成しました。 私の意図と真剣さをまだご理解いただいていないのなら、ご親戚やお友達、同僚の皆さんにその動画をいつでも数回クリックするだけで転送することができますよ。 これらの動画を一般公開することも可能です。 正直なところ、閲覧動画の趣向を考慮しても誰かに知られたいとは思わないだろうし、あんなに卑猥なコンテンツばかりを好んでいると、大問題になりかねないはずです。(どんな動画かは分かっていますよね。) しかし、以下のようにしてくだされば、そんな事態は免れます。 貴方がすべきことは、私のアカウントに¥210000(送金時点での為替レートによっては同額のビットコイン)を1度送金していただくだけです。入金が確認でき次第、貴方に関する全ての厭らしいコンテンツを削除しましょう。 その後は私から連絡があったことも忘れてください。必ず全てのデバイスから有害なソフトウェアを削除することもお約束します。言ったことは必ず実行しますよ。 高額ではないし悪い話ではないはずです。特に、貴方のプロフィールや利用履歴をチェックするのにかなりの時間を費やした私の労力を考えるとリーズナブルです。 ビットコイン購入の方法が分からないのであれば、オンライン上に全て必要な情報は記載されています。 私のビットコインウォレットは以下の通りです: 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk
The above emails and anything they claim is just a scam to try and scare you into paying the ransom. If you have received this type of email, we recommend deleting it and do not send Bitcoin to 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk.
Is the 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk email real?
No, and don’t panic. The 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk email is a scam that tries to trick you into thinking that your device or email has been hacked, then demands payment, or else they will send compromising information -such as images of you captured through your web camera or your pornographic browsing history – to all your friends and family. And in classic ransomware fashion, there’s typically a ticking clock. Giving users a short time limit to deliver the payment is social engineering at its finest.
Threats, intimidation, and high-pressure tactics are classic signs of a scam.
As you can imagine, the 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk extortion email and anything it states is just a scam to try and scare you into paying the ransom.
They have my password! How did they get my password?
To make the threats more credible, the scammers may include one of your passwords in this email. The scammers have your password from sites that were hacked, and in this case, likely matched up to a database of emails and stolen passwords and sent this scam out to potentially millions of people. You can check if your email or password was compromised in a data breach on Haveibeenpwned.
If the password emailed to you is one that you still use, in any context whatsoever, stop using it and change it NOW. It’s also recommended that you enable two-factor authentication for your email and online accounts whenever that is an option.
Should I pay the ransom?
You should not send any Bitcoin to 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk. If you pay the ransom, you’re not only losing money but you’re encouraging the scammers to continue phishing other people.
Delete the 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk email, and under no circumstances pay these cybercriminals a penny/dime/bitcoin.
What should I do now?
We recommend that you ignore any email asking to send Bitcoin to 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk and delete it from your Inbox.
If you have downloaded any attachments or clicked on any links from the 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk email, or if you suspect that your computer might be infected with malware, you can follow the below steps to scan your device for malware with Malwarebytes and remove it for free.
Check if you’re device is infected with malware
The 1LCFadwrvkDtYJFZqTPwBncKkfrvR2oWnk emails may contain malware within the attachments or links that appear in the body of the email. By interacting with the malware — for example, opening or downloading an attachment that contains a malicious payload — the user may unknowingly infect their device or network, enabling attackers to gain access to protected applications and data.
To check your computer or phone for Trojans, browser hijackers, or other malware and remove them for free, you run a scan with Malwarebytes Free.
Malwarebytes can run on Windows, Mac, and Android devices. Depending on which operating system is installed on the device you’re trying to run a Malwarebytes scan, please click on the tab below and follow the displayed steps.
Scan your computer with Malwarebytes for Windows to remove malware
Malwarebytes stands out as one of the leading and widely-used anti-malware solutions for Windows, and for good reason. It effectively eradicates various types of malware that other programs often overlook, all at no cost to you. When it comes to disinfecting an infected device, Malwarebytes has consistently been a free and indispensable tool in the battle against malware. We highly recommend it for maintaining a clean and secure system.
Download Malwarebytes for Windows
You can download Malwarebytes by clicking the link below.
(The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes)-
Install Malwarebytes
After the download is complete, locate the MBSetup file, typically found in your Downloads folder. Double-click on the MBSetup file to begin the installation of Malwarebytes on your computer. If a User Account Control pop-up appears, click “Yes” to continue the Malwarebytes installation.
Follow the On-Screen Prompts to Install Malwarebytes
When the Malwarebytes installation begins, the setup wizard will guide you through the process.
You’ll first be prompted to choose the type of computer you’re installing the program on—select either “Personal Computer” or “Work Computer” as appropriate, then click on Next.
Malwarebytes will now begin the installation process on your device.
When the Malwarebytes installation is complete, the program will automatically open to the “Welcome to Malwarebytes” screen.
On the final screen, simply click on the Open Malwarebytes option to start the program.
Enable “Rootkit scanning”.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now start, and you will see the main screen as shown below. To maximize Malwarebytes’ ability to detect malware and unwanted programs, we need to enable rootkit scanning. Click on the “Settings” gear icon located on the left of the screen to access the general settings section.
In the settings menu, enable the “Scan for rootkits” option by clicking the toggle switch until it turns blue.
Now that you have enabled rootkit scanning, click on the “Dashboard” button in the left pane to get back to the main screen.
Perform a Scan with Malwarebytes.
To start a scan, click the Scan button. Malwarebytes will automatically update its antivirus database and begin scanning your computer for malicious programs.
Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.
Malwarebytes will now scan your computer for browser hijackers and other malicious programs. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check the status of the scan to see when it is finished.
Quarantine detected malware
Once the Malwarebytes scan is complete, it will display a list of detected malware, adware, and potentially unwanted programs. To effectively remove these threats, click the “Quarantine” button.
Malwarebytes will now delete all of the files and registry keys and add them to the program’s quarantine.
Restart your computer.
When removing files, Malwarebytes may require a reboot to fully eliminate some threats. If you see a message indicating that a reboot is needed, please allow it. Once your computer has restarted and you are logged back in, you can continue with the remaining steps.
Your computer should now be free of trojans, adware, browser hijackers, and other malware.
If your current antivirus allowed this malicious program on your computer, you may want to consider purchasing Malwarebytes Premium to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still having problems with your computer after completing these instructions, then please follow one of the steps:
- Run a computer scan with ESET Online Scanner
- Ask for help in our Windows Malware Removal Help & Support forum.
Scan your computer with Malwarebytes for Mac to remove malware
Malwarebytes for Mac is an on-demand scanner that can destroy many types of malware that other software tends to miss without costing you absolutely anything. When it comes to cleaning up an infected device, Malwarebytes has always been free, and we recommend it as an essential tool in the fight against malware.
Download Malwarebytes for Mac.
You can download Malwarebytes for Mac by clicking the link below.
(The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes for Mac) -
Double-click on the Malwarebytes setup file.
When Malwarebytes has finished downloading, double-click on the setup file to install Malwarebytes on your computer. In most cases, downloaded files are saved to the Downloads folder.
Follow the on-screen prompts to install Malwarebytes.
When the Malwarebytes installation begins, you will see the Malwarebytes for Mac Installer which will guide you through the installation process. Click “Continue“, then keep following the prompts to continue with the installation process.
When your Malwarebytes installation completes, the program opens to the Welcome to Malwarebytes screen. Click the “Get started” button.
Select “Personal Computer” or “Work Computer”.
The Malwarebytes Welcome screen will first ask you what type of computer are you installing this program, click either Personal Computer or Work Computer.
Click on “Scan”.
To scan your computer with Malwarebytes, click on the “Scan” button. Malwarebytes for Mac will automatically update the antivirus database and start scanning your computer for malware.
Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.
Malwarebytes will scan your computer for adware, browser hijackers, and other malicious programs. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan to see when it is finished.
Click on “Quarantine”.
When the scan has been completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the malware infections that Malwarebytes has detected. To remove the malware that Malwarebytes has found, click on the “Quarantine” button.
Restart computer.
Malwarebytes will now remove all the malicious files that it has found. To complete the malware removal process, Malwarebytes may ask you to restart your computer.
Your Mac should now be free of adware, browser hijackers, and other malware.
If your current antivirus allowed a malicious program on your computer, you might want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still experiencing problems while trying to remove a malicious program from your computer, please ask for help in our Mac Malware Removal Help & Support forum.
Scan your phone with Malwarebytes for Android to remove malware
Malwarebytes for Android automatically detects and removes dangerous threats like malware and ransomware so you don’t have to worry about your most-used device being compromised. Aggressive detection of adware and potentially unwanted programs keeps your Android phone or tablet running smooth.
Download Malwarebytes for Android.
You can download Malwarebytes for Android by clicking the link below.
(The above link will open a new page from where you can download Malwarebytes for Android) -
Install Malwarebytes for Android on your phone.
In the Google Play Store, tap “Install” to install Malwarebytes for Android on your device.
When the installation process has finished, tap “Open” to begin using Malwarebytes for Android. You can also open Malwarebytes by tapping on its icon in your phone menu or home screen.
Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the setup process
When Malwarebytes will open, you will see the Malwarebytes Setup Wizard which will guide you through a series of permissions and other setup options.
This is the first of two screens that explain the difference between the Premium and Free versions. Swipe this screen to continue.
Tap on “Got it” to proceed to the next step.
Malwarebytes for Android will now ask for a set of permissions that are required to scan your device and protect it from malware. Tap on “Give permission” to continue.
Tap on “Allow” to permit Malwarebytes to access the files on your phone. -
Update database and run a scan with Malwarebytes for Android
You will now be prompted to update the Malwarebytes database and run a full system scan.
Click on “Update database” to update the Malwarebytes for Android definitions to the latest version, then click on “Run full scan” to perform a system scan.
Wait for the Malwarebytes scan to complete.
Malwarebytes will now start scanning your phone for adware and other malicious apps. This process can take a few minutes, so we suggest you do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan to see when it is finished.
Click on “Remove Selected”.
When the scan has been completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the malware infections that Malwarebytes for Android has detected. To remove the malicious apps that Malwarebytes has found, tap on the “Remove Selected” button.
Restart your phone.
Malwarebytes for Android will now remove all the malicious apps that it has found. To complete the malware removal process, Malwarebytes may ask you to restart your device.
Your phone should now be free of adware, browser hijackers, and other malware.
If your current antivirus allowed a malicious app on your phone, you may want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes to protect against these types of threats in the future.
If you are still having problems with your phone after completing these instructions, then please follow one of the steps:
- Restore your phone to factory settings by going to Settings > General management > Reset > Factory data reset.
- Ask for help in our Mobile Malware Removal Help & Support forum.