Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that all promo codes will remain active. Some offers have a short validation period and expire.
The “Bitdefender Quest for Santa” contest, hereinafter referred to as the “Contest”, is offered by BITDEFENDER SRL, with the registered office having the address Bucharest, 24 Delea Veche, registered in Bucharest town, under registration number J40/20427/06.12.2005, legally represented by Mr Florin Talpes, as President, hereinafter referred to as the “Bitdefender”
The period when the Contest will take place (“Contest Period”) is between 10th of December 2014, 12:00 PM (GMT +2) and 23th of December, 18:00 PM (GMT +2).
A.2. Territory: Worldwide
A.3. ENTRY. For the registration in the Contest, the participants must follow the next steps:
- the participants have to have given “Like” to Bitdefender’s Facebook page;
- the participant has to access Bitdefender Facebook page, where he/she will observe the contest announcement;
- by clicking the contest’s announcement, the participant will be redirected to the Bitdefender’s web page www.bitdefender.com;
-after the participant accesses Bitdefender web page, the following steps have to be followed in order to entry the contest:
1. Once the Bitdefender’s web page is accessed by clicking the link on Bitdefender’s facebook page, the participant will observe a pop-up window containing a message about the contest that will guide him/she through the next steps of registration in the contest.
2. The participant has to start searching in the Bitdefender web page for hidden items created especially for the Contest, representing the image of reindeers; the counting for the discovered hidden items will appear inside a pop-up message;
3. Once the participant found 3 hidden items, a pop-out fill in form will appear, inside which the participant must fill in his/her contact information, then press the “send” button;
4. The participant will receive a confirmation e-mail for registering in the Contest, together with the contest prize (“Contest Prize”): 1 (one) Bitdefender Total Security 2015 License Key (with the details specified in section A.5. Prize Information and will be automatically registered for the drawing of the contest’s Main prizes.
The Contest’s landing page is: www.bitdefender.com
In order to register for the Contest, the Participant must be a fan of Bitdefender’s Facebook page, access the Contest page, click the contest’s pop-out message, and follow the indications therein. Each Participant that follows all the registration steps will receive a Contest Prize, as indicated in section A.5 “Prize information” and will be automatically registered for the drawing of the contest’s Main prizes.
Contest Prize:
- after completing all the steps described in section A.3 ( ENTRY), the participants will receive an instant prize, a 6 months Bitdefender Total Security 2015 key ( with a value about 35$/ VAT included)
Main prizes:
- 3 big prizes will be offered to the winning participants after the random draw at the end of the contest period, specifically:
- a Google Nexus 9 (8.9-Inch, 16 GB, Black, 400$/VAT included price);
- a Google Nexus 6 (Nexus 6 32gb lte 4g, black, 700$/VAT included price);
- a Google Nexus 5 (LG Google Nexus 5 16GB 4G Black, 300$/VAT included price).
The Bitdefender Total Security 2015 licenses mentioned at section A.5. from above are in electronic format and will be sent to the participants via email to the email address offered by the participants for the registration in the Contest
The confirmation of reading the email by the participants will be considered proof of receipt of the licenses.
The winners of the contest Main prizes will be selected at the end of the Contest Period, as follows:
The drawing will be conducted using the platform http://www.random.org/lists where all data of the participants will be entered into the system.
Bitdefender will notify the winner via email sent to the email address used by the participant to register in the Contest.
If the winner of the Main Prize does not respond within 5 days of receipt of the email from Bitdefender, a new drawing will be held in order to validate another winner. Confirmation of receipt of the prize will be considered the delivery confirmation given by courier.
In order to receive the Main Prize, the winner must respond to the email sent by Bitdefender and send a mail address where Bitdefender can send the Main Prize.
Bitdefender will not disclose the terms of this Contest to any third party except for the provisions contained in the legislation in force.
The drawing will held on December 27th 2014, hour: 12:00 PM (GMT +2).
The present Contest Terms Sheet is governed by the provisions of the Contest’s Terms and Conditions which is available, free of charge, to any applicant (and/or participant) on the Contest’s landing page at www.bitdefender.com and at the headquarters of BITDEFENDER.
If the Contest is terminated due to tampering or technical difficulties prior to its expiration date, notice will be posted on Bitdefender’s Contest lading page.
Most license keys, on these giveaways, are not cumulative, so you cannot add one to another.If I install 6 months promo & 5 months are over & another 6 months promo comes up & I get a key, can I just use the key on the previously installed one or have to fresh install the new one?