compared to what Comodo's does is ignore the problem (e.g. Windows 11 compatibility), don't provide a solution and keep claiming that "cyber security breeches stop here".
Just because Comodo has not made an update or made a statement about Windows 11 does not mean it is ignoring anything.
There is no proof that the Comodo protections are not working on Windows 11. Comodo issuing an update, which will amount to a GUI update and some bug fixes will not improve its underlying security. It does not have to make any adjustments to its protections on Windows 11 unless it is proven that the protections do not work on Windows 11. Melih is not going to direct his staff to go on a fishing expedition to discover all the possible issues on Windows 11 just because it makes users "feel good."
What do people not understand about this?
The other thing is that Melih just does not care what people think and what they post on forums. He has stated as much on his own forum and given the reasons why.
Did the takeover by Xcitium change something in your professional relation with Comodo (only asking because you used past tense)?
Xcitium takeover? There is no Xcitium takeover. Comodo just changed the name (re-branded) of the product from Comodo to Xcitium. Xcitium
IS Comodo.
Allow me to say that bug number 20 is one of the dangerous bugs, it renders HIPS protection insecure by deleting its own CIS default HIPS rules and the HIPS rules you've created yourself.
The custom HIPS rules being created by the user getting deleted does not make the HIPS insecure. Neither does deleting the default HIPS rules which are there for convenience. It is an annoyance more than anything else, but it is understandable that users who want to use the HIPS would be troubled by it.
The bug about the disappearance of HIPS rules has been reported since version 5 and Comodo has said it will never fix it.
It has been a long standing problem that the forum does not keep a list of all the things that Comodo has stated it will not fix. So the same bugs get reported every version. The forum volunteers keep submitting them to Comodo, and Comodo keeps ignoring them because, it has already stated it will not fix the issue.
Flat Earthers attack demanding proof that the Earth is spherical.
But even if you show them the body of the crime, the weapon and the murderer... fanboys will die repeating the mantra: "Comodo has no bugs, Comodo does not need updates, Comodo is compatible with Windows 11, If Comodo works for me then works for everybody, blah blah blah".
You have not supplied a single shred of evidence while at the same time making false statements.
Who said "Comodo has no bugs, Comodo does not need updates, Comodo is compatible with Windows 11, Comodo works for me then works for everybody"? Not one person has stated that anywhere on this forum.
Everybody would agree with you if someone here actually said any of those things, but no one has.
Plus you have willfully ignored the facts which have been given to you. For example, you claim that Comodo is censoring bug reports when I've told you twice that sections of the Comodo forum are archived when a new release will be made in the coming months. Comodo has followed this practice from the very beginning of the forum. You keep claiming that Comodo is quashing users on the forum and that is a false statement.
Thank you
@goodjohnjr for this! I am sure despite all of this
@Oerlink will have very cogent arguments to systematically tell us all "we are wrong and using typewriters"
Where did I say that you all are wrong?
Comodo not updating their website to include Windows 11 does not mean a thing. Lots of vendors do not update their webpages in a timely manner. Is that the extent of evidence that is "Proof that Comodo is saying its product is not compatible with Windows 11"?
In the other hand, if "a software doesn't need updates because is too good"... then why Comodo itself doesn't say that?
Why would Comodo ever say that? Comodo has always fixed reports of security problems that it can replicate and confirm as valid.
You are automatically assuming what is reported on the Comodo forum is valid. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of it is not. That is what the forum volunteers are there for. To sort out the huge mess of things reported on the forum that are not actually any kind of real problem. If what is reported is confirmed to be a serious security issue, then those reports go directly to Comodo. It is not the job of Comodo employees to sift through and confirm all the stuff reported on the forum. What they are responsible for is to review what the forum volunteers submit to them in a private channel\bugzilla. That private channel contains a fraction of what is on the public forum. Why is that? Because, again, most of what gets reported on the forum is not valid.
It is not Comodo that is saying its software hasn't bugs, or doesn't need updates, or is compatible with Win 11 blah blah blah... be careful! That garbage is only said by fanboy&girls.
lol, not one person here said those things.
I do not know what people do not understand about Comodo. There have always been complaints about long time periods between updates. Melih stated the product is free, he subsidizes it, and he provides it at his pleasure as he sees fit. Don't like it? Then don't use the product.