you can...
just add a scheduled task using the argument you require - I set the task to run at logon, with a 2minute delay using the /quiet argument
this way it starts up, runs in notification area and closes itself.... it only pops up if anything found asking you how to deal with it. with the scheduled task you can also set it to repeat every x hours if required.
you could also just set it to delete anything found by using /clean /quiet
commands found in
similar to the above, after logon & a 15minute delay I have emsisoft eek updatesignatures and run a quickscan and a scan of downloads folder (takes 30seconds or so to complete)
after 45minutes log on delay windows delender updates signatures and does a scan of downloads folder & a quickscan. (takes 1-2minutes)
as running in lowest priority, they are not even noticeable... but is just an extra something running occasionally that has different engines/definitions scanning my downloads folder and a quickscan of stuff in memory.
with all the samples i was testing, no one of them picked up all items, but all of them together (f-secure as resident then manual quick scans sophos/emsi/wd cleaned up the rest) - again this is only testing static samples in a sdownloads folder, not active / running malware