I wonder if they pipe the Home users and Corp users under the same ML engine/shard or if they separate the home users from Corp users. I mean in reality Home users would have more game / random software whereupon Corp users would have more specific streamline corporate software and maybe some inhouse scripts/software. Although, Cylance doesn't do scripts (or at least I don't think so).
edit: After reading the test report....damn that's bad....that is some horrid result for an enterprise solution. I mean I would excuse some missed detection if the resource impact score was low but here we have a horrid detection coupled with horrid resource impact score coupled with horrid false positive rate. There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to like about this product. This product has no excuse to charge what it charges.
I think that most mathematicians left the company once it was sold to Black Berry so whoever remained were just code patchers to make sure that the product runs on windows after windows goes through an update...but the whole Machine Learning portion of the code is abandonware until they can hire someone competent. Hence the lifetime price...they try to cash in as much as they can before calling it quits.