Bugs/anomalies noted so far with Cylance.
1) .net crash errors on some clients. (logs provided to Cylance)
2) No notification of threats. Similar to what Neil experienced.
3) Possible corruption of core windows DLL on one machine. (logs submitted)
4) Sometimes it actually does scan files that aren't executed contrary to their operational statements and stated lack of interest in stagnant files doing nothing.. We've noticed that contrary to what they claim, it does scan non-executed files. Our logging clearly shows this activity, in fact in one logging session it scanned every single file in an encrypted directory that we 'staged' to test this. We we seeded 5 pieces of malware on the encrypted drive to see if it is looking for encrypted files and snooping around around. Well, those encrypted directories and malware were
NEVER executed but the threats were found. That seems to be the opposite of their claims, why was it scanning an encrypted folder on a data drive without user activity? Here's a screen grab of the 5 hidden malware samples I put in the encrypted directory before installation of Cylance.
View attachment 193898
5) Aggressive quarantine of newer non-malware files as malware is fairly routine. Also, they seem to examine hashes of known files and any variance of the hash from known file triggers it. Without regard to the actual malware validity at the time.
6) Aggressive quarantine of OLDER files without respect to their validity. For example I was able to go way back to a sample of a legitimate program, but dated, Cylance immediately quarantined and removed it because it simply wasn't in their database yet. Without any respect to it's threat validity.
7) Support blows. You'll be ignored. If you want a refund, you might be waiting 30 days to get the 30 day refund honored.
That's all I have for today. It's a decent basic antivirus IMO. Nothing more. I don't see any magical unicorn activity in it, but that's just me. Sure it's tiny, and doesn't use much CPU. But why do I care about that? I have 16 cores sitting here idle most of the time. I'd put OSArmor/VS and Heimdal next to it or I wouldn't run it. OSArmor/VS is going to give you exploit protection and alternative vector protection. Heimdal will protect your DNS and give you robust URL filtering. This combo 'should' be incredibly lightweight and highly effective. Or put Cylance behind a UTM-Like router along with OSArmor/VS and call it a day. You won't get infected.