Some people demand lightweight, some go for looks, others go for functionality and a couple use Comodo no matter what.
Funny to me that the best/most interesting way I can think of at this point to use Cylance a-v at home (without adding other h/w and/or s/w) is to add it with Comodo to use it in place of Comodo's missing Viruscope.
Seriously, my impression is that it might turn up interesting things, which is great

, but that makes it more like Heimdal for the kernel than an a-v. On the other hand, I can well see the value of running Cylance on a network that is properly configured and monitored, set up with the proper policies etc. Where script is confined by policy, Cylance is basically just noting interesting activity that the others don't detect as potentially dangerous.
For home users, I think Cylance might have a bigger challenge, because home users have to be the IT staff themselves, while they tend to know little about the subject. Pairing C-L with OSA still sounds kind of interesting for that situation, but for overall protection, I probably still want Comodo there too, because the protection scheme seems to match best with what Cylance does. I have a PC that I might try this combo on. For now, it's just running Comodo Firewall...