What would be some of the best ways/software please?
N ng4ever Level 17 Thread author Verified Feb 11, 2016 800 May 10, 2021 #1 What would be some of the best ways/software please? Reactions: Venustus, Nevi and ForgottenSeer 85179
F ForgottenSeer 85179 May 11, 2021 #2 Windows internal EFS feature can encrypt files so they're always secured. Before and after uploading. During transmission, every software use HTTPS nowadays but that's only a transport encryption which doesn't encrypt your data itself Reactions: mkoundo, Venustus and Nevi
Windows internal EFS feature can encrypt files so they're always secured. Before and after uploading. During transmission, every software use HTTPS nowadays but that's only a transport encryption which doesn't encrypt your data itself