- Dec 25, 2017
- 158
Right and once trained adequately you get very few pop-ups except when you install or run something new. I used the prior stable for some time and had very few pop-ups. That is what it is supposed to do.
Can anyone please let me know how I change this to a wildcard
Yes,Do you want any .exe program say in program files area to be able to access the driver file? I think you would need to add a wildcard for the parent, such as Path->C:\Program Files\* (Don't see the path option on the menu however). Then maybe you would need to add one for C:\Windows\*. I am guessing this is so your printer will initialize when used with various programs. Looks like you could allow anything signed by adding a * to the Parent i.e.->Parent->Signer->*. Just guessing...
As long as it doesn't comprise security - what would I need to do then ?
I have the default set of vulnerable processes imported which includes deny to icacls.exe in System 32 and SysWOW64. I have tried to whitelist the following two processes hoping that these are specific and would be allowed and that the two "general" vulnerable process would continue to function for anything non-specifically whitelisted.
Is this right
The main page even has three fields that have not been put into any language yet, as far as I can tell. I see that it says lorem ipsem, which is a latin text used as filler, until the real text is put in.yes, it is a beta so the main page will surely be translated later, it is not an urgent thing.
It is in settings: allow all microsoft signed, allow all signed, allow program files. You will have less prompts.Instead of alert mode what othe mode will give less prompts yet be safe?
For the moment is have disabled the two vulnerable processes which have icacls.exe in them and all OK but not sure this should be the right way. I thought that if you added/whitelisted a vulnerable process with certain limitations like path/parent process that this would whitelist that particular process but the general vulnerable process would still be implemented elsewhere.
In ERP 3 there was command line whitelisting that only took a quick click or two. We need to get that back. We also need to get back the ability to whitelist command lines by learning mode.
You are not the only one. @Peter2150 reported on the other forum that he did a test with a ransomware exe, and ERP 4 did not block it.Sounds nice to me. Waiting to see where you guys go with the app, since I couldn't get it to fire on anything. Only had the vulnerable rules I think...