People that make video tests are called Youtube testers. You just are not a professional tester and your video tests only give a basic indication of protection capabilities, based mostly upon signatures. These are not criticisms. They are statements of fact.
Most products you rate as excellent shall fail under professional advanced testing.
With your message, you prove again that you have not seen any test.
The protocols of these testing companies and mine are different.
They use a more or less dated archive and do an analysis. Some use Zero-Days but the portion is quite small.
On my side, all links or files are up to date.
On the pack, I mix. I put a lot of Zero-Days, some dated and some old to see the reaction of the antivirus.
If I decide that an Antivirus is effective, it is.
And I remind again that the tests, whether it is me or others, are to be used in comparison with others and not to be based on one!
NB : I don't test only signature detections

Please don't talk when you don't know please....