IP/DNS Detect I suggest you this website to check if your vpn has leaks
Would be nice if u can find the linksExcellent choices , the best of the best .
There are only six that pass all of the tests in this recent report , all of the rest leak to some degree ( paid or free ) .
In total 49 were comprehensively tested .
The guy who wrote it and did the testing is the maestro of VPN , a guru even ..... trust me on that
He has also written superb set-up guides , and I will happily look up the links if anyone is interested.
I am not the OP.
i though you needed unlimited free vpn not with 15gb limit per month so i change my comment..
I would like for someone to suggest to me a good free VPN. If anyone could help that would be sweet, I had betternet VPN on my machine and it stopped working, tried removing it and reinstalling.... No dice...
Would be nice if u can find the linksi always want to learn more about vpns
Excellent choices , the best of the best .
There are only six that pass all of the tests in this recent report , all of the rest leak to some degree ( paid or free ) .
In total 49 were comprehensively tested .
The guy who wrote it and did the testing is the maestro of VPN , a guru even ..... trust me on that
He has also written superb set-up guides , and I will happily look up the links if anyone is interested.
log mean: which website you see,which data you transfer,whats your IP address,...in one word all of your informationMay I ask a question ? These logs that you mention about some vpn, what informations about us contains exactly thank you
all packet...(btw encrypted packageEven pw in https websites?
Excellent choices , the best of the best .
There are only six that pass all of the tests in this recent report , all of the rest leak to some degree ( paid or free ) .
In total 49 were comprehensively tested .
The guy who wrote it and did the testing is the maestro of VPN , a guru even ..... trust me on that
He has also written superb set-up guides , and I will happily look up the links if anyone is interested.
Even VPN providers are bound to a at least 3 up to 36 months data retention law which most western and more developed nations have agreed to internationally.