Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Beta

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Level 1
Feb 24, 2011
techgeek88 said:
It was just the tone it was wrote in. Like he was trying to tell me that I couldn't say KIS was the best..... And I'm just saying he doesn't have the authority to tell me I can't. No one does... I know no one is making me ditch KIS. No one could. If KIS goes I'll just use my Macs I have and get rid of my PCs. Yep - I'm a chronic Kaspersky fanboy. Can't do a thing about it. I'm too far gone! ;) :D I'm a brand worshiper - always have been. I've always picked one of two competing brands, loved one and defended it like my family, and boycott the other.. Dunno who I get it from in my family - but it's something I've always done since I can remember.

I'm sure he didn't mean it in the way it came out, but when someone says something I disagree with, especially pertaining to me and the way I do things - I'm going to talk about it. It's just my nature. I'm a very outspoken individual and also a very sensitive individual. Not exactly the best combination to have - but I am who I am I guess! Heheheh. I really didn't mean any harm to him - I just have something I disagree very strongly about that I needed to get off of my chest.

I was meaning that your statement wasn't true, since all it takes is one case that shows the opposite.

I'll repeat my example above: If someone claims that the earth is flat and a cow jumps over the moon and bathes in the sun every Tuesday, I don't have any authority to tell him he can't speak (though I may recommend an insane asylum :p). But I can say that he is wrong. There is no evidence to back up his claims.

In a similar way, I can say that your claims aren't true quite easily. All it takes is one case where KIS isn't the best.

Since their are many thousands (millions?) of people who need/use some security software, I am sure I could find one case where KIS won't work best for a person. Hey, the one person could be me.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it in the way it came out, but when someone says something I disagree with, especially pertaining to me and the way I do things - I'm going to talk about it. It's just my nature."

I'm the same way. :p



New Member
Mar 16, 2011
LaserWraith said:
techgeek88 said:
It was just the tone it was wrote in. Like he was trying to tell me that I couldn't say KIS was the best..... And I'm just saying he doesn't have the authority to tell me I can't. No one does... I know no one is making me ditch KIS. No one could. If KIS goes I'll just use my Macs I have and get rid of my PCs. Yep - I'm a chronic Kaspersky fanboy. Can't do a thing about it. I'm too far gone! ;) :D I'm a brand worshiper - always have been. I've always picked one of two competing brands, loved one and defended it like my family, and boycott the other.. Dunno who I get it from in my family - but it's something I've always done since I can remember.

I'm sure he didn't mean it in the way it came out, but when someone says something I disagree with, especially pertaining to me and the way I do things - I'm going to talk about it. It's just my nature. I'm a very outspoken individual and also a very sensitive individual. Not exactly the best combination to have - but I am who I am I guess! Heheheh. I really didn't mean any harm to him - I just have something I disagree very strongly about that I needed to get off of my chest.

I was meaning that your statement wasn't true, since all it takes is one case that shows the opposite.

I'll repeat my example above: If someone claims that the earth is flat and a cow jumps over the moon and bathes in the sun every Tuesday, I don't have any authority to tell him he can't speak (though I may recommend an insane asylum :p). But I can say that he is wrong. There is no evidence to back up his claims.

In a similar way, I can say that your claims aren't true quite easily. All it takes is one case where KIS isn't the best.

Since their are many thousands (millions?) of people who need/use some security software, I am sure I could find one case where KIS won't work best for a person. Hey, the one person could be me.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it in the way it came out, but when someone says something I disagree with, especially pertaining to me and the way I do things - I'm going to talk about it. It's just my nature."

I'm the same way. :p


Right, but my point is that it is your "opinion" that you think my statement isn't true or that I am wrong. When you say I'm wrong, that is your opinion. That's all I'm getting at. Is that when you tell me that I am wrong - that is your opinion. You may think that and say that, but that is your opinion.


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
I don't "claim" to be an expert. I have been called a computer expert when brought in on many things, and referred to as such. I am a computer expert because I am very advanced, knowledgable, and very good with them. As far as more to learn - well I know an awful lot as it is, but that goes for anybody, including YOU. I am a very wise person. I also feel like I have the right to give advice and share my knowledge, because I believe I have had the experience to do so. I repair hundreds of PCs in a short amount of time and I have been doing so for several years now. Not trying to sound cocky here - but I have a right to some seniority because of my background. I'm not talking here on the forum - I'm talking in the "Real World". I am called in by the top businesses in the area as their on call tech. Am I confident, proud, and have strong beliefs about my knowledge and abilities? You betcha. But I'm not overly so. But yes, I do believe in myself. I don't talk down to people however, like you kinda did with me... But I do have a right to the Expert title, after all it is what is on my badge at one of the businesses I work with as an outside consultant.

As far as me not liking the popups in CIS, I like SOME control, but I also like an antivirus where I don't have to direct it's every move and hold its hand. I want it to alert me when it has to, and stay out of my way when it doesn't.

As far as stubbornness because I won't switch away from KIS... I don't need to. If I moved away from KIS I would be a dumb idiot... Might as well not even have a computer if I'm going to leave myself THAT open to threats. Might as well use my Macs.... Which I do, in conjuction with my Win 7 Laptop. There is nothing better than KIS, just different.. That goes both ways, admittedly. But you make it sound like I needed to move away, which I won't do. If I do, seriously, I would just not have a PC. It's that simple. As far as my remark about regretting moving away from KIS. I didn't say I wanted them to have problems. I said I hope they regret the move and will move back to what I consider IMO is the better AV.

KIS is the only name I trust in securing my personal computers and I certainly will not use anything else because it is the very best in my opinion and experience - if you want to call that stubbornness, go ahead, but it is what it is. I put my trust into a privately owned security company with tons of experience.... I CAN speak from experience. I can't speak for everyone else, but I can darn sure speak from experience.


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
ghost said:
I'm an experienced professional.

You don't act like one. You don't give anyone a chance to discuss something with you and this makes many the strange feeling you are no worth loosing their time.

Hope no harm done!!;)

Wow, how kind of you to post that!!!! (SARCASM). I don't even know you, and you are already making claims about me as if you know me. I gave him a chance to discuss it. I'm not stopping anyone from doing so. But I'm not going to sit back and have him try to down talk me. That I have no tolerance for whatsoever.

I am an experienced professional. I've been doing this for YEARS and have worked on more PC's than you could shake a stick at.

Have a nice day, you kind person you!!!! :great: (SARCASM)


Level 1
Jan 16, 2011
Don't worry, we had a talk before on some other forum and you showed the same immaturity you showed in this topic by not letting anyone expressing their own opinion. Every time someone says something about Kaspersky you start attacking his post because you have a different opinion and experience. You are right and he is wrong or bashing Kaspersky, i don't want to look bad (some here know me and i respect them) but in my book your attitude looks unprofessional. Enough offtopic.


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
ghost said:
Don't worry, we had a talk before on some other forum and you showed the same immaturity you showed in this topic by not letting anyone expressing their own opinion. Every time someone says something about Kaspersky you start attacking his post because you have a different opinion and experience. You are right and he is wrong or bashing Kaspersky, i don't want to look bad (some here know me and i respect them) but in my book your attitude looks unprofessional. Enough offtopic.

I don't have a problem with anyone not liking KIS... That's their choice (and in my opinion a poor one). What I DO have a problem with is someone telling me that I am wrong because I believe in something and telling me that I am wrong because I voiced my opinion. That I do have a major problem with. I am NOT wrong. He is NOT wrong. I'm not wrong because I think KIS is the best, and he is not wrong for thinking CIS is the best. It's called opinion. I suggest you look it up! :great:

I didn't start the whole deal. I just posted my thoughts on KIS and then out of nowhere Laser comes in and tells me I'M wrong. I didn't start anything. You better read it again.

My attitude is fine thank you very much - but I do recommend you check yours. ;)


Level 1
Jan 7, 2011
(For now,) I'll keep the thread as it is as a negative example of what I think most members and visitor want to see on this forum. I'm sure you realize that this is off-topic and that the forum is about security. Also, the following rule was broken:
5.3: Be nice to each other. Profanity, insults, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts will not be tolerated.
Note: Some apellatives may be seen as offensive and you should not use them. Examples: fanboy, troll, spammer, etc.

Any further post that brakes a rule from techgeek88, ghost or LaserWraith will result in permanent or temporary ban.


Level 1
Jan 16, 2011
I'm sorry if i caused flame expressing my opinion. In a free world, free forum we can post our experience about some product without being bullied about it. I wont excuse myself for posting the truth. We want facts not fanboysm. It's not productive and if you have a great time using Kaspersky or any other product ,good for you but like an experienced user you should know programs don't behave always the same on different PC's. I have a great respect for Kaspersky but ends when the program crashes or makes me loose my time and money. This doesn't means we start act like a "child" and start bashing, we post our problem to see if this is general and try to solve it. Posting your problem doesn't mean you bash it or you don't agree we someone. This is my last post about this problem. Consider it from my point of view solved.


Level 1
Feb 24, 2011
As I have said before, you are entitled to your opinion, however wrong it may be. Since in your recent posts you have not claimed that KIS is the best for everyone (as before), I am content about that.

You may be an expert. I never place any trust in that title, since anyone can claim it. One thing I dislike is when people flaunt their knowledge. Still, the more people we have, the better. An argument just livens things up and help me see people's character. :angel:

As far as me not liking the popups in CIS, I like SOME control, but I also like an antivirus where I don't have to direct it's every move and hold its hand. I want it to alert me when it has to, and stay out of my way when it doesn't.

That is nice - everyone has their own preferences (just goes to show that one person can't claim something is the best). I get maybe 3 alerts a week. Not bad, in my opinion.

You do know that if you don't hold someone's hand, they can wander off. :p

I don't even know you, and you are already making claims about me as if you know me.

You don't have to know someone...only read what he says. Actions speaker louder than words. ;) See, for me, many people here know that I like arguments and sarcasm. I usually don't say anything about it, but they can read well enough.

Thing is, you place too much emphasis on opinions. It seems to me that you can ignore anything you don't like, because hey, it's an opinion.

I'm just pointing out flaws and (potential) faults in your opinions. You don't have to do anything about it.

Both of whom seem to have a real fondness for attacking me

I have a fondness for debate. It stimulates the mind and helps me learn.

I was bashed for having an opinion. That should be a rule. No bashing of other's opinions. Did you think of that?!?!?! No.

So, your great idea is to never question other's ideas. Never improve. We should sit here happily and post inane things, trying our hardest to never upset anyone's opinions.

You just take things too personally. ;)


New Member
Feb 24, 2011
LaserWraith said:
Um...why was tech banned? Seemed a bit drastic. :p
The post from bogdan:
bogdan said:
Any further post that brakes a rule from techgeek88, ghost or LaserWraith will result in permanent or temporary ban.
Techgeek88 replied to that post with another that broke the rules.
That post is now in the staff room. (We currently don't have any forum policy violation board equivalent because we've never needed it before)

Back on topic now, please.


Level 85
Honorary Member
Mar 15, 2011
Kaspersky released

Dated: April 15 2011

Kaspersky Build Link

Some dumps
128920 Forum: GUI: RU: typo in activation window
133453 forum: Loc: FR: System monitoring in settings
133454 forum: Loc: FR: Application control - digital signature in settings
Fixes for improvement performance


Post no. 108


Staff Member
Jan 24, 2011
Kaspersky inserted on their Facebook page a big count down timer .... Only 6 days and KIS 2012 will be launched:D
In fact :

There are still a few bug reports but hopefully will manage to fix them all before the final release.


Thread author
Jan 8, 2011
It's not even 2012 yet. Soon you can buy 2020 products in 2016.


Super Moderator (Leave of absence)
Apr 17, 2011
@storm Yep shortly we will see 2013 BETA's being made.... Can't wait to test them. /sarcasm


Staff Member
Jan 24, 2011
stormgtr said:
It's not even 2012 yet. Soon you can buy 2020 products in 2016.
KIS 2011 was released on June, 8th 2010 ..so the 2012 version will be released exactly 1 year later. :)
Each vendor has it's own month for launching their products.Kaspersky has always released their products in May/June while Symantec will release Norton 2012 in September.

Deleted member 178

elliotcroft said:
Avira is years behind by now.

yes, unfortunately, it was my main AV but their lazyness made me change to comodo and avast; Avira take the road of spybot... great software which stop to evolve... and will be forgotten...


Level 85
Honorary Member
Mar 15, 2011
Actually its like a tradition from security companies to release a version like 2012 when the year now is 2011 next 2013 from year 2012 then so on.
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