Not necessarily, unless I'm misunderstanding this:
Important Note: We're reintroducing the Beta channel to better distinguish between "Release" and "Beta" builds. To access the latest Beta builds, please enable the "Beta updates" switch under Settings -> General. If you prefer a more stable (though slightly older) MB5 build, you can leave it disabled.
We've replaced the "(Beta)" label with the current version.
Following on @Digmor Crusher's post, the controlled rollout gives users downloading the MBAM trial the latest Beta version. Or at least some of them are.
I'm glad they fixed the tray icon which was always remaining open while checking for updates and had to be manually closed. Glad what i reported was fixed. I think Malwarebytes 5.0 will be a very good contender. one thing i hated about version 4.0 was that laggy GUI opening. Not anymore with version 5.0! malwarebytes 5.0 system tray bug.
I used to use malwarebytes in highschool to remove Rogue AVs and adware. Never was it a part of any security prevention strategies. Nothing more to say
I used to use malwarebytes in highschool to remove Rogue AVs and adware. Never was it a part of any security prevention strategies. Nothing more to say
It has greatly improved RTP and has one of the best web filters with Malwarebytes browser guard. one of the downsides is false positives but id rather false positives then a click happy family member falling victim to fraud which has become essentially a business of all media platforms. iv personally only had 3 FP with browser guard but they are quickly fixed.