Think of your browser as a first line of defence against the below and ask yourself how many extensions you need for protection. Since you are NOT going to be anonymous don't worry about being unique on the net.
- ads & ad trackers
- malicious sites
- analytics (beacons, pixel etc)
- browser fingerprinting e.g. mouse wheel/speed etc besides those listed(and protected) in ScriptSafe and Trace. Also, cross-browser fingerprinting for hardware e.g. screen resolution/GPU/CPU/RAM/audio context, ultrasound cross-device tracking (uXDT)
- social widgets
- microphone hijack
- WebRTC leak
- unwanted cookies (e.g. cookieless cookie (aka Etags, supercookies, evercookies, zombie cookie), super HSTScookies, HTTPS cookie, zombie cookies etc)
- webbugs
- clickbait links
- in-browser cryptojackers
- browser hijackers
- browser lockers
- phishing and online scams
- PUPs, toolbars and pop ups
- overlays
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- anti-XSS
- zero-width Unicode characters
- clickjacking
- CDNs (Content Delivery Networks)
- redirects
- session replay scripts
- spoofing/randomizing user-agent/timezone/header(etag and referer)/geolocation
- clean URL tracking
- WebGL
- ultrasonic tracking
- browser-based rootkits and browser-based botnets
- DNS rebinding attacks
- JavaScript-based side-channel attacks against leaks from CPU/RAM
- other web annoyances