Does AdGuard filter ads in apps with DNS filtering only or traditional filters too? If it filters ads in apps with traditional filters too, then it would be more effective than DNS services with ad blocking like NextDNS.
I get what you mean, but no idea to be honest. I dont have many apps where i have seen adblock working, but cant say wich blocked it, the dns filter or traditional filter.
I have seen on my kids phone, that adguard blocked ads completely from games that had them, my mother has samsung phone and somehow adguard dns filter will completely disable internet connection, wich is weird...thats why she wont use dns filter
But currently i only use browser and i dont play mobile games or use any ad having apps , so i cant test this thing
It would be better to send mail to adguard about this.
I have nextdns sub, but i dont use it since i find adguard more effective
Edit: but i bet its dns filter wich does job here