Here is a new v1.4 (pre-release) (test26):
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So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:
+ On Configurator -> Advanced -> Block unknown processes on Windows folder (unchecked)
+ Minor fixes and optimizations
To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install test 26.
"Block unknown processes on Windows folder" should be pretty solid and should not generate false positives.
Should also work fine with Windows Updates.
Do you think it would be a good idea add this functionality to OSArmor?
I agree with
@Daniel Keller on this, it is not the goal of OSArmor:
OSA want to be an additional layer of security independently from the AV you choose.
Of course you can use OSArmor + ConfigureDefender + Hard_Configurator together and without issues
Try this:
1) On OSArmor open the Configurator -> Settings -> and check "Enable passive logging (do not block the process, just log the event)"
2) Now try to print to HP fax and if nothing is present in the Logs of OSArmor, then it should not be an issues related to OSArmor.
3) You may additionally try also to uninstall OSArmor, try to print to HP and see if it work.