Outraged Comodo users

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Thread author
Staff Member
Jan 8, 2011

I'm sure that most people are disappointed with Comodo Internet Security 5.9.

Forget about all the security crap they've added, they are forcing users with other Comodo products. They should be additional options in the installer, that are NOT selected by default.

If, like the OP, wanted Comodo Firewall, they should only be offered the Firewall, where Dragon and Geekbuddy are optional extras.

Even though the Comodo Installers says with Dragon and Geekbuddy, not by default they shouldn't.

Comodo's not alone though, here's a list of other companies who do the same:
Comodo is losing Trust more like.



Level 1
Apr 9, 2011
I do not agree with Earth's comment 'I'm sure that most people are disappointed with Comodo Internet Security 5.9'.

I haven't inconvenience that choice the installatioin item :)

Deleted member 178

Not me ^^ because when i install something on my system, i check each tab first, i don't click "next" like an idiot to save 10 seconds in my life. :D


Retired Staff
May 3, 2011
Earth said:

I'm sure that most people are disappointed with Comodo Internet Security 5.9.

Forget about all the security crap they've added, they are forcing users with other Comodo products. They should be additional options in the installer, that are NOT selected by default.

If, like the OP, wanted Comodo Firewall, they should only be offered the Firewall, where Dragon and Geekbuddy are optional extras.

Even though the Comodo Installers says with Dragon and Geekbuddy, not by default they shouldn't.

Comodo's not alone though, here's a list of other companies who do the same:
Comodo is losing Trust more like.


I lost trust in Comodo awhile back. I hang in there with them for several years and I was a true Comodo fan and supporter. I kept sweeping things under the rug like completely lying to their forum members when they asked a simple direct question. It got to the point that the truth had to be forced out of them and still they would continue to be untruthful. Then there was more and more and soon nothing else would fit under the rug anymore.

I used to think of Comodo as one of the good guys (snow white), then they started to get a little grey and I was even OK with that, but when they started to get a more of shade of black, I no longer could support their cause.

I'm sure they will continue to lose more users once their users find out more unknown info about them besides of what is already known.

I believe Comodo 2.14 was the best firewall I used since Sygate. After v.3.0 came out is with I ditched Comodo Firewall, I couldn't put up with all of unneeded features, privacy concerns and bugs.

I would really like to see Comodo get back on track where they used to be. Just really doubt that is going to ever happen.


Deleted member 178

I wonder why people mix the business plan behavior of a company with the quality of the product. Honestly i don't care what the company does under the hood (until they kill people ^^) if they continue to give me a top product.

And in the case of Comodo, aside his big-mouth-im-the-best-honest-guy-in-the-industry CEO, i dont see any dirty despicable behaviors.

Ok they added Dragon and Geek Buddy to CIS installer, so people still can untick them, the OP should stop whining. Companies need incomes to pay their employee and continue to develop a good product. They are not charity organizations who get money from benefactors. They must find a way to get incomes especially if they give a product free.

Having something free of charges must be at the price of something else. The law of "universal exchange"


Level 16
Nov 21, 2011
I think the Comodo installer is self explanatory, you untick the components you don't want.
Earth i think you over dramatising this, 'Outraged Users', i only see one 'user'.
And as umbra says, politics aside the Comodo products keep getting better with each new version.
I have been more than happy with their products for many years.


Level 1
Sep 21, 2011
umbrapolaris said:
I wonder why people mix the business plan behavior of a company with the quality of the product. Honestly i don't care what the company does under the hood (until they kill people ^^) if they continue to give me a top product.

And in the case of Comodo, aside his big-mouth-im-the-best-honest-guy-in-the-industry CEO, i dont see any dirty despicable behaviors.

Ok they added Dragon and Geek Buddy to CIS installer, so people still can untick them, the OP should stop whining. Companies need incomes to pay their employee and continue to develop a good product. They are not charity organizations who get money from benefactors. They must find a way to get incomes especially if they give a product free.

Having something free of charges must be at the price of something else. The law of "universal exchange"



Level 76
Honorary Member
Malware Hunter
Apr 17, 2011
I haven't had much use of Comodo, but what I think of it its okay for a free Internet Security Suite, so I can't say much because its not an AV I'm used to.


Level 16
Nov 21, 2011
House_maniac said:

+ 2


Staff Member
Jan 24, 2011
COMODO should put Dragon and GeekBuddy on the main UI of the installer and not hide it in the Custom Install option...as most user will just go for the default installation. COMODO should know that anything that is installed by force .... IT WON'T BE ACCEPTED AND USED BY THE USER. ;)
As for this 'Outraged Comodo user' , he is over reacting a little because probably uninstalling Dragon and GeekBuddy would have taken less than making that post..... and if he will put in balance the great FREE product with this minor inconvenience than he'll see that he got a pretty good deal.
Comodo is putting serious money into the development stages and this side/paid products are what can generate some sort of revenue.....Don't forget that they didn't try to install a lame Uniblue/Ask toolbar like Avira did or limit the product functionality like Outpost is doing for their free product.
And if I remember correctly Avast Free is also bundled with Chrome ....why ? Because they need to make some money in order to be competitive.
TIP: Open your eyes when installing a software and then you'll avoid this small problems.


New Member
Apr 20, 2011
based on the fact's
Comodo Internet Security is For Advanced users, which want to customize settings and with details in firewall setting, especially in defense +
so, we need to more knowledge to drive Comodo apps for Great result.
Comodo is like Car with manual gear, which can be set it to max or not. we can edit (with more details and details)
and, I'm NOT Comodo Fan, I didn't use it for my real machine. just testing it.
I just have my opinion about Comodo Products.

Peace for all.

Deleted member 178

Jack said:
Comodo is putting serious money into the development stages and this side/paid products are what can generate some sort of revenue.....Don't forget that they didn't try to install a lame Uniblue/Ask toolbar like Avira did or limit the product functionality like Outpost is doing for their free product.
And if I remember correctly Avast Free is also bundled with Chrome ....why ? Because they need to make some money in order to be competitive.
TIP: Open your eyes when installing a software and then you'll avoid this small problems.

Absolutely right. But because it is Comodo so it must be a drama hahaha


Level 16
Nov 21, 2011
Jack said:
As for this 'Outraged Comodo user' , he is over reacting a little because probably uninstalling Dragon and GeekBuddy would have taken less than making that post..... and if he will put in balance the great FREE product that is offered for free with this minor inconvenience than he'll see that he got a pretty good deal.
Comodo is putting serious money into the development stages and this side/paid products are what can generate some sort of revenue.....Don't forget that they didn't try to install a lame Uniblue/Ask toolbar like Avira did or limit the product functionality like Outpost is doing for their free product.
And if I remember correctly Avast Free is also bundled with Chrome ....why ? Because they need to make some money in order to be competitive.
TIP: Open your eyes when installing a software and then you'll avoid this small problems.


Nomination for post of the year 2011 goes to Jack ;)


Level 2
Jul 9, 2011
It's sneaky, but the rule of thumb says to always go for the custom install given an option.

Replying that you're not the first guy on the block to have done this and as such you don't see a problem and it's OK, all the while the company keeps claiming they're not like the rest - :s

umbrapolaris said:
I wonder why people mix the business plan behavior of a company with the quality of the product. Honestly i don't care what the company does under the hood (until they kill people ^^) if they continue to give me a top product.

And in the case of Comodo, aside his big-mouth-im-the-best-honest-guy-in-the-industry CEO, i dont see any dirty despicable behaviors.

I do realize this might not be strictly in the spirit of the thread, nor do I have any insider knowledge of Comodo, just thinking out aloud.

The business behavior either affects the working environment or is simply a manifestation of the culture prevalent within that corporate environment. One way or another, regarding either quality specifically [and sadly, Comodo have a well documented history of quality issues] or other facets of their development process, there will be a connection...

If what I say in public is exactly what I'm indoctrinating and motivating my staff with [be it prosecution complex or superiority complex or both], it's easy to expect the same mentality and self-image of superiority and self-righteousness to permeate the work culture, and with it - issues affecting my software development.

Likewise, if I had 2 distinct behaviors - the said brash behavior in public, indiscriminately fighting with almost everyone else in the security industry, and different behind closed company doors, wouldn't I be sending mixed signals to my staff and affecting my credibility and the perception of my qualities - that would impact the morale, and with it - engagement and buy-in in the company's principles and values, discipline, productivity, responsibility.


umbrapolaris said:
I wonder why people mix the business plan behavior of a company with the quality of the product. Honestly i don't care what the company does under the hood (until they kill people ^^) if they continue to give me a top product.

And in the case of Comodo, aside his big-mouth-im-the-best-honest-guy-in-the-industry CEO, i dont see any dirty despicable behaviors.

Ok they added Dragon and Geek Buddy to CIS installer, so people still can untick them, the OP should stop whining. Companies need incomes to pay their employee and continue to develop a good product. They are not charity organizations who get money from benefactors. They must find a way to get incomes especially if they give a product free.

Having something free of charges must be at the price of something else. The law of "universal exchange"

Very well said my friend!

If some remember, when i first tried the new installer, i over looked the customize button myself, and agree it should be made a little more noticeable, but other then, completely agree with what Umbra has stated here..


Retired Staff
May 3, 2011
umbrapolaris said:
I wonder why people mix the business plan behavior of a company with the quality of the product. Honestly i don't care what the company does under the hood (until they kill people ^^) if they continue to give me a top product.

And in the case of Comodo, aside his big-mouth-im-the-best-honest-guy-in-the-industry CEO, i dont see any dirty despicable behaviors.

Ok they added Dragon and Geek Buddy to CIS installer, so people still can untick them, the OP should stop whining. Companies need incomes to pay their employee and continue to develop a good product. They are not charity organizations who get money from benefactors. They must find a way to get incomes especially if they give a product free.

Having something free of charges must be at the price of something else. The law of "universal exchange"

I can tell you why:

How many Comodo users only use CIS because they are paranoid about getting infected?
Even though most modern infections require user actions to be effective (must manually download and manually install). It's not like 5 years ago or so when malware could jump off a page in your browser and totally infect your system without any user actions. So in other words if you just watch what you download and install with a good AV in real-time, do you really need an advanced program like CIS? Of coarse you really don't, but if you are paranoid it makes you feel safer.

Paranoid users put there trust in Comodo to detect malware that get pass other solutions.
But Comodo business actions has made its way through their products. Comodo has several adware partners to help support them and advertise for them. The first sign of this reflecting into their products was the huge list of adware partners products added to the whitelists in CIS. Many of which are still detected by many respectful AV's but no longer detected by CIS.

Another concern was the riddled privacy policy that doesn't give much details on what Comodo collects from their users or even shares with their adware partners. Paranoid users should most certainly be concerned about this.

In Comodo's support, I see nothing wrong with the Ask Toolbar issue that everyone made a big deal of. Ask.com gives many freeware vendors support for development, it is very simple to uninstall.

But then again, Comodo is suppose to be a Trust company. For someone who has complete trust in Comodo, they should be able to install any of their products at default settings and not have any adware or privacy concerns.

So if you have to run a custom installation for Comodo products, that is the first indication that you don't really trust Comodo.



Level 3
May 14, 2011
Littlebits said:
But then again, Comodo is suppose to be a Trust company. For someone who has complete trust in Comodo, they should be able to install any of their products at default settings and not have any adware or privacy concerns.

So if you have to run a custom installation for Comodo products, that is the first indication that you don't really trust Comodo.

I agree and let me add, most users (95% maybe)will not run the custom install and thus end up with the extra goodies installed. For people like us, that have gotten used to learning and finding out about security, it is easy to get rid of this goodies but it is fresh in my memory how hard it was for me to even replace an antivirus when I was an average user (someone not interested about security, someone who does not even know that there are communities of users interested in security).


Deleted member 178

Littlebits said:
Paranoid users put there trust in Comodo to detect malware that get pass other solutions.
But Comodo business actions has made its way through their products. Comodo has several adware partners to help support them and advertise for them. The first sign of this reflecting into their products was the huge list of adware partners products added to the whitelists in CIS. Many of which are still detected by many respectful AV's but no longer detected by CIS.

Just delete the wishlist if you have doubt about it.

Another concern was the riddled privacy policy that doesn't give much details on what Comodo collects from their users or even shares with their adware partners. Paranoid users should most certainly be concerned about this.

ummmm let me guess...my favorites porn sites :D

So if you have to run a custom installation for Comodo products, that is the first indication that you don't really trust Comodo.

I trust no one ! :D

bo.elam said:
I agree and let me add, most users (95% maybe)will not run the custom install and thus end up with the extra goodies installed. For people like us, that have gotten used to learning and finding out about security, it is easy to get rid of this goodies but it is fresh in my memory how hard it was for me to even replace an antivirus when I was an average user (someone not interested about security, someone who does not even know that there are communities of users interested in security).

Common users dont even know what is Comodo and dont even know what is an HIPS or sandbox, aside the reptile. ;) and if they heard about it, it is because they read or someone tell them about it. CIS is not bundled with new computer like Norton, Avast or Avira. so if they downloaded it, they must read what it does first.


I have to agree with Littlebits also, to a point.. At that point, i also agree with umbrapolaris's reply.. As you can delete the white list if you do not trust the Trusted Software vendors list.. As far as privacy, who is to say what any Internet Security Suite collects from your system that they do not tell you of.. Running a "customize" option on install is not a "trust" issue, as many Suites offer "custom" settings upon install.. Although at this point, I do have to agree, that having the "products" in the custom installer ticked by default, should be changed..

CIS is not well known, just in the area i am in, i know for a fact, no one around here has even heard of it, unless i have brought it to their attention..
It was not designed for novice users, nor do most of them even know about it..

For those that are capable/knowledgeable of the suite, CIS is a very powerful tool.. One that is offered for free...
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