Littlebits said:
After reading over the features, the Community Firewall is not a network firewall like most of us think about when we hear the word "firewall", it is a cloud-based protection feature.
Sorry, Littlebits, that is 95% incorrect. The firewall included in PCAV Pro is indeed a "true" firewall. But you are right that it has cloud-based features which gives it the "community" label.
Not much is explained on their homepage about how it works or if it even controls network connections like firewalls. Could you please explain more about it?
Hmm, I'll give a quick summary. :sleepy:
It is a community firewall that includes intrusion prevention and a rating system for processes that is somewhat comparable to avast! webrep. Like the windows firewall, it includes a network settings config based on trust level (i.e. public, work, and home). "Protection in public WiFi networks" is apart of the same feature - the firewall. If you are using a public network you may get a notification (again, like windows firewall).
Fellow Panda moderator "Buddee" explains the trust levels like this:
Home zone (Trust level 100%) = Full trust to your home computers, allow incoming request like files sharing, printer sharing etc.
Work (Trust level 80%) = Almost Like Home but with some inbound restrictions
Public Place (0 %) = No incoming connections until defined explicitly to over ride default rules.