My last post had typos and bad-auto-corrects, so replacing it here.
The ONLY place to get the latest version of this technology (e.g. not one 2 or more years old), is at Bitsum. Also, you are buying from the guy who conceived and innovated the product, including the
ProBalance Algorithm - and Bitsum has been around for 20 years now, so we're here to stay!
Thank you all for your support! I work much harder for much less than I would at a cushy corporate job, and I do it half for you. Yea, half for me, as I like my freedom
Process Lasso's ProBalance is amazing because it REALLY WORKS and that is something I can PROVE.
Similarly our other algorithms and technologies actually WORK or have real UTILITY.
Compare and contrast this to the snake-oil this industry is full of
Note that Bitsum, again not being at the mercy of accountants, NEVER uses installer bundles, so you can rest-easy downloading from (can not speak for external download sites that host our software).